FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE LIBRARY She Surrey Centennial Arts Centre will be jixhibitine the Inter national ‘lomen's Year Collection. ‘this :.xhibit is part of the Cimon Fraser Collection from Simon Fraser University and was organized to acknowledge the contributions which Woren have made towards increasing our aesthctic awarcness. through their pract- ice of the Visuel Arts. More than sixty wor!s will be shown in this “xhibition which runs from December 11th. until January enG. 1976. The Currey Centennial Arts Centre is located at Ning Georze highway anu wth. Avenue, in the Bear Cree): varl, Gallery lours are: “yosday Throuch Friday +++. 11°00 faa oe OO 01. Saturday anc Sunday «-. 6 oo. 2.90 Shi: oo. pa OON Paras Tuesday and Thursday «-«- =~ ToOO Leia S530 PK. Tor further Information Gall: 596-7461