vio EREPUBLIK w woe®mis Erepublik Erepublik is a new online game that has gotten a lot of attention lately, even receiving a rave review in The New York Times. After playing for a few days, I quickly realized that The New York Times may be the best newspaper in the world, but they don’t know diddley about video games. The idea of Erepublik is that you’re a virtual citizen in an alternative version of Earth, where you can own your own company, fight in wars against other countries, start your own newspaper and so on. But everything in the game, from how much resources you produce to how successful your attacks are, depends on whether you can answer lame trivia questions. It’s like a video game that parents would try to get their kids to play in order to trick them into learning. Sorry, Erepublik, but if I’m trying to shoot another player with my tank I don’t want whether or not I know what the longest river in Australia is to be what determines whether or not I hit them. —Mark Fisher 75 ot Masterpiece Theatre Marianas Trench Masterpiece Theatre is the latest from Marianas Trench, the Vancouver quartet that brought you such annoying tinker-bop hits like “Say Anything” and “Try a Little More.” This album is nothing new for Marianas; another feel-good album that will undoubtedly top Canadian music charts and be set to hourly repeat on MuchMusic. The new single, “Cross My Heart,” is a typical radio ballad from a group who focuses on the whiny- bad-boy style of singing and harmonizing guitars. Mariana’s Trench is the deepest part of the oceanic floor, but with this album’s release, the band fails to live up to their name with its disgustingly shallow lyrics. One excellent redeeming quality of Mariana’s Trench is that they are all vocally trained, and at live concerts have beautiful harmonies when they’ re not playing their instruments. Maybe their next release should be a strictly choral arrangement. —Jay Schreiber 22 Something For All of Us... Brendan Canning Brendan Canning and Kevin Drew, co-founders of Broken Social Scene, recently put aside their involvement with the ten member-plus group to pursue solo albums. While Brendan Canning’s Something For All of Us... is still remarkably similar to that of Broken Social Scene’s self-titled album You Forgot It In People, it does show off Canning’s talents, with Drew taking a backseat to Canning for the entire album. This enabled Canning to diversify and incorporate more rock heavy songs than simply artsy alternative pop songs. However, those types of songs do appear on this album as well. —Matthew Steinbach WIDESCREEN EDITION Body of Lies Warner Bros. Body of Lies, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Russell Crowe, is now on DVD and a non-stop thrill ride that will have you on the edge of your seat. This movie redefines the word intense and is one of the most underrated action movies of 2008. DiCaprio is fantastic as CIA agent Roger Ferris, who travels through the Middle East in search of an elusive terrorist responsible for several bombings. Crowe plays his Virginia- based boss, a witty jerk who sends DiCaprio to different places and usually ends up undermining him. The movie is a great espionage thriller that wastes zero time in getting to the good stuff. From start to finish it is action packed and extremely intense. While the characters aren’t as engaging as Matt Damon’s Jason Bourne or Daniel Craig’s James Bond, they stay interesting throughout. Director Ridley Scott does a fantastic job with the production and makes every scene count. —Garth McLennan