A RN A Sad Day For the DSU Chris Sleightholme, DSU Pride Liaison As students at Douglas College, we are all members of the Douglas Students’ Union. As mem- bers we should all be concerned about the Union’s gross mismanagement of its finances. The DSU recently had a forensic audit, and is currently the subject of a police investigation. These problems have been ongoing for several years and have been allowed to continue this year because of a political split between the majority and minority factions on the Representative Committee. As the Pride Liaison, I have worked with a small group of elected reps on the Representative. Committee to gain access to the DSU’s financial information, and to bring transparency to the Union. However, my every effort to access information and bring about change to the Unions’ finan- cial position has become entangled in the political machinations of the Representative Committee’s majority representatives. Unfortunately, the working relationship between these two groups of Board members is completely untenable, so much so that two of our most active repre- sentatives have chosen to resign their positions under duress. These two liaisons, Tracy Green and Kendra Tenove, have been at the forefront of an openly divided board, taking heat from all sides but still standing their ground with integrity. It is in my opinion that stu- dents couldn’t have asked for more competent representatives. | would like to draw your attention to some of their reasons for resigning, as I believe it speaks to the problems within the DSU. “Originally I became involved in the Douglas Students’ Union in order to make a difference and I wanted to be able to give back to the membership of Douglas College.” “There is a lack of capable responsibility demonstrated to the membership we are meant to represent. This was made obvious by the inability to call meetings and to address key issues that we are currently facing. I feel the need to point these issues out specifically: We have a staffing situation that has yet to be resolved in a reasonable manner, and has more specifically been pushed off to the back burner by this group, even more specifically to uphold our fiduciary duty and aid in the current criminal investigation in any way we can. There has been no response to my multiple calls for meetings to address the almost imminent appointment of a receiver to this board. The lack of effort by a few-on this board has directly affected the ability to act of the ind viduals who are driven to make a change. As a group I see no effort to fulfill our collective duty to represent the membership in the best possible way, for example there has been limite effort by many to be in the office when required.” This was stated Tracy Green in her resignation letter to the board dated October 25, 200( Similar feelings were cited by Kendra Tenove in her letter to the board dated October 25, 2006: “T believe that there are fundamental issues that this board will never reach agreement on and that this lack of agreement has impaired our vision as board membei I recognize that the membership nee a responsible representative committe and I feel I have done all I can to try and secure that for them, but the inst mountable obstacles I have faced as 4 board member (no director’s insuranc a split of the board, and lawsuits) hay brought me to the only reasonable ca clusion that I can no longer function and be the best possible representativ for this [student] membership.” As it saddens me to bid farewell t my comrades on the board I choose | stay and continue to be vocal about c situation. I would also like to make a promise to the student membership that I will continue to write for the C to inform you of our meetings and a other information coming out of the I would also like to offer my sinceres apologies to the student body of my inability to exact change in our stu- dents’ union, given the obstacles repr sentatives have constructed to avoid i If you have any questions that you feel should be addressed to your elected representativ I will answer them to the best of my ability. Any questions or comments can be addressed tc ptideppl@gmail.com or (604) 527-5474. I urge you to gain power over the situation by gettir informed of the issues as best you can, and demand accountability from your elected repres¢ tatives. If anyone wishes to take part in our next representative committee meeting it will be helc eee Lo on Wednesday November 14th, 2006 at the New Westminster Campus in the Student Union Building Board Room at 4:30pm. I hope to see everyone there. WIRETE Contributors wanted. Please send The onker Press Learn a few new tricks! articles and/or questions to the editor: editor.otherpress@gmail.com 8 THE OTHER PRESS NOVEMBER 16 2006