October 23, 2002 Sports Scores and Schedules Douglas Sports at a Glance Scores and Standings from BCCAA , CSRW & Jason Kurylo * Clinched Playoffs BCCAA soccer standings the other press Upcoming Events: (As of October 19, 2002) Oct.25 Volleyball: The men’s and women’s sche Seccee teams visit the Okanagan Lakers. W Scores pee — 6:30 M — 8:15 Rugby ‘ea pe ee tee Women’s Basketball: Exhibition at Capi Whatcom College. 6:30. The Royals rugby teams all had bye weekends over oe : : : : ] Reet ad. i Eehiides as the Thanksgiving weekend. Langara 11 5 4 STO TF CBC Concords. New West Gym. Soccer Douglas ee Ges ae eee Ws cae 2 ee Oct.26 8:00 Women Cariboo 11 4 2 polo ae Baseball: vs. Capilano College at October 13. | Douglas 1 | Capilano 2 Malaspina 11 3 frp df 10 Mundy Park. 12:00 October 19 | Douglas 2 | Langara 1 Okanagan H 1 2 el 4 Volleyball: The men’s and women’s teams visit the COTR Avalanche . W Men Men's Soccer — 6:30 M — 8:15 October 13 ] Douglas I ]Capilano 3 Tain Pel Wins ees Tis) Pons Soccer: Provincials at OUC. October 19 | Douglas 0 |Langara a Played Rugby: Women’s Premier vs. UVIC. *Langara ior ts Pie pf Ock27: . a UVIC 11:30. Basketball *Capilano 11 6 1 49-22 Soccer: Provincials at OUC. *Cariboo 11 6 2S 20 Baseball: Doubleheader at Capilano. Men *Douglas 11 5 2 4 19 Between October 17-19th the Men's basketball team was Fraser Valley | 12 3 5 4 13 at an exhibition tournament held by Cariboo Sun Malaspina 11 1 6 4 Z Demons. Scores were not available at press time but will Okanagan 11 0 9 2 Z appear in the next issue. The Women played at UCFV Friday night but scores weren't available at press time. Pass me the Cracker Jacks and pray for the Angels Eugene Krebs OP Contributor Disclaimer: The views expressed in this col- umn do not reflect those of The Other Press Sports Department but are solely those of the author. So who's it gonna be then, eh? Dusty’s Giants or Autrey’s Angels? In the fourth edition of the all-California World Series, one might be inclined to use scientific data in order to determine the eventual winner. All things being equal, this Series is too tough to call, therefore one must take backward steps if one is to make a rational decision. Let’s get the facts straight: Anaheim has never been to the World Series. Not once, never. The Giants have won five Series, but all of them back in the good old days, when they hailed from New York. So, in effect, the Giants are almost as futile as their So-Cal rivals. San Francisco has been to the Series twice since they migrated west. Anaheim is 0 for just about everything in their 41-year his- tory. The Giants haven't won since 1954, © page 22 when they beat Cleveland in four straight. Combined, we have a drought of 85 years, which sounds suspiciously like any team that calls Chicago home. With all this data in tow, one must digress some, before the scientific deduction is made. California has, in spite of itself, pro- duced some memorable fall classics. L. A. Dodgers’ Kirk Gibson's 2 out, 2 run pinch hit homer off of Oakland’s Dennis Eckersley in Game 1 of the ’88 Series is generally regarded as one of the greatest moments in baseball history. The Earthquake Series of ’89, featuring the As and the Giants, was one that some people not named McGwire or Canseco might want to forget (see S.E). The ’74 Series saw Oakland completing its third Series victory in a row, when Gene Tenace, Rollie Fingers, Vida Blue and company disposed of L.A. in five games. Fast-forward. The 2002 Series has some things to look forward to, and indeed, be even thankful for. No more Joe Torre and his perpetually welling eyes, hugging everybody in sight, and patting his players on the bum, on national TV. No more Rudy Giuliani waving flags and wearing police hats. No more national anthems during the seventh inning stretch. No more New York, New York reverberating ad nauseam out of the Bronx Zoo. No more to do with Atlanta (when are they going to fire Bobby Cox, anyway?). Did I mention no more Giuliani? Now, if they could only do something with that colour-guy who wont shut up and let the TV do some of the talking. McCarver? Yeah, thats the guy. Can't someone shove him in a locker or tape a jockstrap to his mouth? For some people, baseball is heaven. McCarver insists upon turning it into hell. A statistical hell, a nightmare of Bob Costas proportions; a beat-you-over-the-head with a bat analysis with replays of replays of replays. Kind of makes you wish Tony Kubek or even Buck Martinez would dust off the old micro- phone. But methinks Eugene doth protest too much. Digression over. Present Tense. Prognostication. Scientific deduction. In light of our com- batants’ history over the last 40 odd years, it is not the teams’ dismal showings that I am concerned with, but, more to the point, their respective cast of players. The core of Anaheim’s line-up plied their trade in Vancouver during the 90s, when the Canadians were the Angels Triple-A farm team, when Anaheim was known as California, when Vancouver had baseball. The Giants have Barry Bonds, home run broker and all ‘round nice guy. Enuff said. All-California you say? Pass me the Cracker Jacks and pray for the Angels. Anaheim in 7. Comments? Lambastes? eugenekrebs@yahoo.com