page 8 THEOTHER PRESS —__ warn y rr fee ey Oe ee ete Swe We Te Soh ed Pie We 60k eee Mina. tale October 5th, 1984 .. Petters oy eri at) etl This Page Is Reserved For Your Views Graphic/ Uniter Jessie Bashing Dear Other Press | grieve over these dangerous accusations being hurled mercilessly at our beloved despot, Jesse Sedhu. This whole political scam, in my opinion, serves only to display the true colours of our fearless leader. As | see it, there are two possible explanations as to Jesse’s involvement in this ‘‘Bill Grant Affair’’: a) He was not aware that such-and- such-a-law existed in our student society’s constitution, or for that matter, that the constitution— itself existed. b) He was not only aware of this ridiculous ‘‘Special Resolution’, but was deliberately defying all antiquated constitutional forms that disallow an enlightened leader from speaking the students’ minds for them, It is painfully obvious to any student of ‘‘literatus’’ content that the latter explanation is most appropriate. A well-known statistic states that most students either vote by the ‘‘Scratch- N-Sniff’’ method, or else they vote Socialist (am | mistaken?). Jesse, in all his infinite wisdom, has decided that the school’s voice and mind should be one, and he shall be the one. We should all congratulate Jesse for openly defying truth, devoid of shame or regret. Hurrah for Jesse! ; DE. Nuke Comment — The recent visit by Soviet foreign minister Andrei Gromyko to the United States has helped generate a lot of media interest about the possibil- ity of another set of peace talks. by JOEL HAGEN Unfortunately, the strident rhetoric that accompanies ‘these — Soviet- American tete-a-tetes has been the focus of attention, and North American newsmakers have neglected a much more important event in their own backyard. Recently, a group of prominent environmentalists and __ scientists, including 19 Nobel Prize winners, released a policy statement warning that the results of any form of nuclear war would be environmental suicide. Although this may seem like a redundant conclusion, the fact that so many experts have gathered together is very important. Never before has such a large and prestigious group brought forward theie message so clearly. That message is that our chances of ever recovering from the effects of nuclear war are slim, and that ‘‘unless humanity changes its ways’’, environmental disaster could mean the extinction of the species Homo Sapiens. This statement contradicts the infor- mation presented to us by American civil defense spokespersons and gover- nment scientists. They encourage us North American citizens to ‘‘duck and cover’ during a nuclear attack, and keep our credit cards so we can get to the big sale at Macy’s after the furor has died down. Such a ludicrous assault on their sensibilities has finally proven to be too much for scientists and no-nukers. However, rather than opposing nuc- lear proliferation as individuals or in small groups, as they have done:in the past, these people have tackled the problem in an organized manner. The policy statement, made public on September 19, was hammered out at meetings over the summer in New York, Washington, and San Francisco. David Brower, organizer and chairman of the meetings, said this kind of common front will finally allow the . disarmament movement to ‘‘speak with one voice.’’ The declaration, in outlining a plan of action, calls for congressional hearings on the subject of a post-war ‘nuclear winter’’, and the obsoles- cence of nuclear war due to the “overkill’’ factor. Whether this. message can help stall the smooth running arms industries of the superpowers is uncertain, but it certainly is a positive step in the right direction. It is also a big improvement over the political posturing that goes on between Washington and Moscow. Perhaps the few people who really pull the strings in our little world will pick up some pointers, and begin to make the changes necessary to ensure our survival. Marawana Dear Other Press; | heard you guys print stuff that other papers don’t touch, so | am sending you this letter about marawana. | think that marawana is a good thing and it dusnt’ hert any one so it shudn’t be criminel to smoke it or be forced to watch comershals that are downers because a few govermint offishals think that if everyone smokes it no one will go to vote an if no one votes then we will be in a terminal state of anarky. This is redikulos! Marawana don’t do nothing to you and if everyone skored some, rolled a great big joint and smoked it they would soon see that the effects of marawana are only very limited and that they could save a lot of money on drinking govermint booze that costs so much because of all the takses. It distresses me a lot because people are being brain cleaned by the big industrial manufacturers and | know that a joint in the morning never hurt and that marawana is good for glockoma and cancer pashents that have been nuked and are real sick too. | also wood like to say that | have never freaked out and done anything that wood make me a social outcast or even a little abnormal. Those reports are all faked by the same dudes that make paraquot. They are just mad use they grew up in strikt relijos families and if they were caught they wood catch it good. In short (he really is, folks) | wood like to say that there is nothing wrong with smoking a little weed every once in a wile cause it really is not as bad as every one makes it out to bee. TALE. The place to meet. Open from 11:30 a.m. -1:30 a.m. Relaxing atmosphere Great snacks plus a full menu Live entertainment Thur - Fri-Sat | 9:00 p.m. - :OO a.m. 10% discount on food with your Douglas College student card 606 - 12th St. ‘New Westminster