al Oia elt =i RENEWAL OF CURRENT PARKING PASSES BUILDING AIR CIRCULATION - CLASSROOMS NEW FACULTY APPOINTMENTS Make your cheque for $48.00 pay- able to Impark and drop off at Park- ing Office - P1. TO OBTAIN A PARKING PASS FOR THE FIRST TIME Application forms are available in Physical Plant, Level 4, South Build- ing, Room 4800. Students must have a minimum of 9 credits. Students must present a valid stu- ol card and proof of paid registra- on. Faculty/staff must show College I.D. Handicapped persons must register make, model, and licence number with Physical Plant. PARKING RATES FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS/STAFF $10.00 deposit on cardtrol pass $48.00 per semester (4 months) or $15.00 per month or $1.50 per day - .25 per hour, .50 per hour after 6:00 p.m. Motorcycles .75 per day - no month- ly cards HOURS OF PARKING Gates will be closed at: Mon - Thurs. 12:00 midnight Fri. 10:00 p.m. Sat.6:00 p.m. Sun/Holidays CLOSED In order to obtain the most effective use of the air circulation system in CLASSROOMS we would like to remind faculty members of the fol- lowing conditions. 1. The air circulation system was designed to function best "WITH CLASSROOM DOORS CLOSED". Open doors are counter productive to the system. 2. The switch with decal "switch on for air conditioning" must be on to activate the air circulation system. When film and overhead projectors are being used, it would be desirable to leave on the special bank of lights. KEYING POLICY Individuals signing out keys must present their College identification prior to receiving their key. Faculty /staff, if you leave the Col- lege or change office you MUST SIGN KEYS BACK TO PHYSICAL PLANT FOR RE-ASSIGNMENT. Requests for additional keys must come by memo to Physical Plant 4800 after it has been approved by your DIRECTOR or CHAIRPERSON. Terry Leonard WELCOME! Welcome to the new Manager of Building Services Christopher Dean. He will be resuming the duties of Ken McCoy who retired at the end of July. Mr. Dean's local is 4811. Terry Leonard Over the past several months, several staffing changes have taken place in Student Services and Developmental Education: Adult Basic Education Anew full-time regular position was created, effective September 1, 1987. The successful applicant was Norma Kidd. Norma will be working in the ABE program at Maple Ridge. Two new Literacy instructors, Car- men Rodriguez-Everton, was hired for Maple Ridge and Jan Benge, was hired for Royal Avenue. The temporary ABE position held by Gillies Malnarich at Royal Avenue has been extended for another year. Counselling Alena Strauss was hired on a one- year temporary contract (April 1, 1987 to March 31, 1988) to replace Barbara Mowat who is on a one- year leave of absence. English as a Second Language Jill Plumbley was the successful can- didate for the newly-created full-time regular position at Royal Avenue. Barbara Coward was the successful applicant for the newly-created full- time temporary position. Terry Loughrey’s full-time temporary position has been extended for another year. Al Atkinson