: of opinions. This sectior a I havenaid gheuk Geis, 1 fe however, spend some “tte d iscussing the value ‘of the we Il conside red opinions: of the exper dismissed just because a ‘not ec kt eran! ' ! * ~ The actual assignment flows th by which sihe will | va d increases with e¢ ach. assignment). The student write the article and then: quotes a specified number of passa whether i ae or - opinion, is cent | to the phon at pie student’s fund ot common: knowle abe Pe) not; ae cla wi ‘the is is oh wot conv inced hay said. Benefits of a Mode Leos an pens My a Se re y ew} C J \ r tei ae a et 2K Ls a ‘ nt ‘abate ieee is 5 are several benefits to this very “specific oe mien First of all, it is clear to the hat they “ne red to do, and this age ves their chances of doing it right. And in the doin up critical reading, (and, I believe, critic \inkin m8) oa skills. Almost as important, the specificity. of the ssignment gives me Soncrete standards ee u can evaluate the papers. : jae Patiern f a of the) ibs ‘have: never felt so. confident of that braces’ tae ven these sets of assignments, in part because | know what I am simply said, "Go write a research paper; and if you don’t k 5, ask | teacher"). | also know that the students have had every opportun yt do the asignment cores ctly and because Reco wor bastante ply tive een ecieetey Reet 7 ear pale) Student Response | tue at. dy pic Ty ane Rade eee me ah Revee ; ae gale 4 : 5 ul oe unk 1 iS | Finally, the response of &e students ae been sury rprisingly seitives 1 “expected them to grumble about i i} e having to. do. five papers, (and they do), but after Pe ae ‘marvel out loud at how n much they have learned and how much more carefully they now read the newspaper and weet eran arra This, of course, ns the desired outcome! id "1 rl William M. Taylor an at ae L * Pitas e al iy 4 uy a Desa nens of Political Science A _ bon “ayoi ; Se i aj LE 0 etn ; pat inc a i ry j a i i ‘ it i Fae: further information, including copies ree the assignment, contact the author at Oakton Community College, 1600 Gold Road, Des Plaines, IL 60016. be a | i ' f 1 oh a | ! ; 4 f ut i +i : I | wate es eee fe yi ey Mal Pap \ "a A al Ie : — aE i wa r Wh = 7 r I P J . . 7 a - Ht i A c Li eee iy i les mae Tetisth = 3 eee Register now for NISOD‘s ninth a annual Nationa Confrence on Teaching eae and ¢ Conference of — | Administrators to be held in Austin on May 17-20, 1987. ny ie mae? ally-know community college leaders and more Hey 90 worksh rs Mone Than opular profe Tp {soeceeeora en ) wish to c gusnele verona Editor (ties is > ARMIES 1987, Vol. IX,No. 1300 at INNOVATION ABSTRACTS Is a publication of the Natlonal Institute for Staff and Or nizational Develog The University Pare Anink 4 Austin, Texas 78712, a heat oo ae Bee oe corse jum ers fo r $35 er ro ed part by the W. K. | ‘Foundation and Sia W. Richardson Fo un on. Issued weekly when classes are In session durin fall and spring terms and once durin ngithe summer. : iy vie ‘the University of t Austin, 1986 rt singer ‘perm tted only by MEMBER Inst titutions for thelr own personnel. eae jail lhe i i