Mad Hatter Page 8 Cross College Committee on Gerontology A cross college committe on Gerontology has been established to develop recommendations on the future of Gerontology at Douglas College. The members of the Committee are: Betty Emery - Applied Programs Division Marylin Rainbow Applied Programs Division Beth Morris - Ed. & St. Services Division Academic Division Richard Kitson Mary Fewster - Applied Programs Division Eugene Hrushawy Applied Programs Division Rose Marie = ยข. BP. & S. Division Faurnier er Jim Doerr - Cc. P. & S&S. Division The Committee will prepare a white paper for discussion and commentary via the Governance System. Following revision the paper will be presen- ted to E.P.P.C.0. for consideration. At its first meeting the Committee reviewed its mandate and adopted a plan of action. Members undertook specific information and data collection tasks in preparation for the second meeting scheduled for November 8. The Committe is currently collecting information in the following areas: - Demographics of the College Region - Existing Douglas College course and Program offerings related to Gerontology. - Offering of other lower mainland post secondary institutions. - Studies and research available from other institutions. For further information please contact committee members.