SO LONG..... The Public Information Office would like to say “Farewell” to Colleen Romano (Tosin) and good luck to her in her new job. Colleen is replacing Chris Walmsley (on mater- nity leave) in the Social Science field base (local 3401). Also, a very special thank you to Colleen for editing and preparing the Mad Hatter for the past two years. Replacing Colleen in Public In- formation is Marilyn Kristian, form- erly of the Registrar's Office. All fu- ture Mad Hatter enquiries and sub- missions can be directed to her. Marilyn’s new local is 4814. So long, Marilyn Colleen...... Welcome, FALL REGISTRATION DATES AND TIMES FUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 - 0800 - 1900 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 - 0800 - 1900 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 - 0800 - 1800 When arranging staffing schedules please keep in mind areas should be staffed one hour later than the above limes to allow the last group of students to register. Registrar's Office SUMMER HOURS FOR STUDENT FINANCE Effective July 8th, 1987 the Student Finance Office will be open: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 10:30 am - 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm Thursday 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm Patty Lewis EMERTON LOOKS “SHARP” Bill Emerton, retiring Douglas College Foundation Chairman, 1s presented with a brass pencil sharpener by College President Bill Day at the recent Foundation Appreciation Reception. Special thanks goes out to Neptune Foods, ICL and White Spot for donating all of the fabulous food for the event.