W ROYAL CITY CO-ORDINATING AND INFORMATION CENTRE 411 - 6TH STREET, NEW WESTMINSTER. B.C PHONE 524.2525 WHO ARE WE? We are a newly evolved Community Service Organization, under the ausnicies of tha Provincial Sew pew eS VS Vive 2A Government ~ Human Resources Department. There are three major objectives that we would like to accomplish. Enclosed you will find; firstly, the suggestions of the Human Resources Department and secondly, our interpretation of our goals, 1) to promote the integration of the voluntary services, assisting them to combine where feasible and inviting other groups to share the Information Centre resources where possible; 2) to promote the co-ordination of all voluntary and government statutory Services, in an. . attempt to have services work in support of es each other and to lessen duplication as well as gaps in service to the public; 3) to promote the development of the social services ad-risory group which is representative of the comm... and which could act as an intermeniary between this office and the Commun'ty. This group could eventually incorporate es 4 Tact aty and carrz the task of being a "neutral steward" for administering grants as well as act as an advis-ry board. With regards to being Ttepresentative, the group must draw membership from the professionals involved in service delivery, the voluntary service sector, the consumers of services, and the interested citizenry. QUR OBJECTIVES : 1) COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT : to get EVERYONE IN THE community to work together, helping each other for the betterment of the community and themselves. cont'd