©) "ether ress Managing Editor Kerry Evans the_editorS7@hotmail.com News Editor Kelly Parry kelly-parry@telus.net Opinions Editor Kali Thurber opinionsubmit@hotmail.com Culture Editor Amanda Aikman Submit_to_culture@yahoo.ca Features Editor Barbara K. Adamski opfeatures@netscape.net Sports Editor Adam ‘Flash’ Gordon desportseditor@yahoo.ca David Lam Representative Munir Amlani opstuff@amlani.ca Proofreader Tamara Billau Production & Graphic Design Gerard Then layout@otherpress.ca Graphic Design Trevor Hargreaves bunkmedia@hotmail.com Photography Angela Blattmann tarantulangela@yahoo.com Web Editor Dawn-Louise McLeod dalomcl@telus.net Advertising Manager Vacant Office Manager Lynn Paus lynnpaus@shaw.ca Accountant Alyona Luganskaya tradexllc@hotmail.com Columnists Follow the Rainbow J.J. McCullough Nick Hogg Cartoonist J.J. McCullough wart_manu@yahoo.ca Contributors Kate Abel, Barbara K. Adamski, Melissa Beedle, Devilishly Choppy, Erin Culhane, Oriana Evans, Thomas Fairley, Marvinder, Bikram Nizzar, Karla L. Olson, Dave Pearcy, Justin Ray New Westminster Room 1020-700 Royal Avenue New Westminster V3L 5B2 Ph//604.525.3542 Fax//604.525.3505 hetp://www.otherpress.ca email:submit@op.douglas.bc.ca Mail Bag Last week I read an article that some- one wrote complaining about the content of our newspaper. His main complaint was that J.J. McCullough was a “one sided, overly simplistic, extremely biased, mendacious, and arrogant” ranter. He was also suggesting that the editor was not doing her job by letting his piece be published every week. Now while I could not agree more with Mr. Taher’ s description of J.J.’s writing style, I do think that it serves an important role in putting forth an open-minded and titillating paper. While it is true that colleges and uni- versities around the world are hotbeds for socialist thought and that the local newspaper is an integral part of this, I also think that they are also places in which people are taught to think for themselves. To this end it is important for all views to be allowed representation in the local newspaper. If the editor of this paper were to omit certain points of view from her newspaper we would have what is common- ly referred to as American mainstream media. Therefore it is. my firm belief that even though most people do not put much credence into what J.J. McCullough says in his weekly rant, it does serve an important purpose in producing the open forum, which is our newspaper. P.S. What happened to David Suzuki’s column? It’s the only reason I started reading this paper in the first place. Alykhan Sachedina "Can't get the courses you need? Getting the post-secondary credentials you need is not always easy—from getting into the classes you want to balancing school work with other commitments. The British Columbia Open University offers over 500 distance university and college courses, many of them open for registration throughout the year. Transfer the BCOU credits you earn to the program of your choice or apply them to a BCOU credential. Register today. Start any time. 604.431.3300 = 1.800.663.9711 www.bcou.ca BRITISH COLUMBIA OPEN UNIVERSITY A Division of the OPEN LEARNING AGENCY \e/BCOU The Other Press is Douglas College’s autonomous student news-_ University Press (CUP), a cooperative of student newspapers paper. from across Canada. We adhere to CUP’s Statement of Common Principles and Code of Ethics—except when it suits The Other Press is run as a collective and is published weekly us not to. The Other Press reserves the right to choose what to during the fall and winter semesters, and monthly (as a maga-_ publish, and will not publish material that is racist, sexist, or zine) during the summer. homophobic. Submissions may be edited for clarity and brevity if necessary. We receive our funding from a student levy collected every semester at registration, and from local and national advertising revenue. The Other Press is a member of the Canadian Printed by Van Press Printers Ltd. ae Page 2. e http://otherpress.douglas.bc.ca