= ie Tt kal he kat News February 19, 2003 Forget About that Vasectomy, Birth Control for Guys on the Way Drug originally intended for rare genetic disorder Stephanie San Miguel The Ryersonian TORONTO (CUP)—A compound resembling ordinary sugar may be the ultimate male contraceptive, a recent study by British researchers found. Men seeking an alter- native to condoms and vasectomies may soon have another method to prevent pregnancy in their partners. “This is a rare find, as there are very few compounds with such properties,” said Aarnoud van der Spoel, a researcher at the Glycobiology Institute at the University of Oxford in England where the study took place. The compound, N-butyldeoxynojirimycin or NB-DNJ for short, rendered male mice infertile by deforming their sperm. But the effects only lasted as long as the mice were given the sugar. Their sperm returned to normal within weeks. There were also few side effects of the drug. “The unique thing is that NB-DNJ has already been exten- sively evaluated in various mammals, and has passed standard toxicity tests in humans,” said van der Spoel in an e-mail interview. The contraceptive effects of NB- DN] were noticed while the researchers were testing it as a treatment for Gaucher's disease, a rare genetic disorder in humans. the other press http://otherpress.douglas.bc.ca Intrigued, the scientists decided to look specifically at | “Many (male contraceptive therapies) have been te the compound’s contraceptive properties in mice. The 95 to 98 percent effective,” said Robaire. results of the study were published last December in the “If you get rid of 95 percent (of eggs) in ovulation, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. get a 95 percent decrease in fertility,” he said. But a The recent findings at Oxford are exciting because “it’s percent reduction in viable sperm still leaves million: a new avenue,” said Bernard Robaire, professor of phar- sperm available for fertilization. macology and therapeutics at McGill University in In the 1970s, researchers began studying horm Montreal and a leading expert on the pharmaceutical based therapies that would suppress the productio causes of male infertility. “Maybe this one will be the one sperm in men. Recent studies on hormone-based con that does it. It’s an exciting new lead. It may do the ceptives using a combination of testosterone and p trick,” he said. estin have been “really promising,” said Robaire. Robaire said finding an effective male contraceptive has Both van der Spoel and Robaire believe a horm been difficult since research in the field began in the based male contraceptive will be available within the 1960s. He noted that developing a contraceptive for men _ five years. Though not likely to be in pill form, it w is more difficult than for women because, whereas female probably involve injections of hormones every contraception involves dealing with one egg at a time, months to remain effective. But van der Spoel said it male contraceptives would have to affect a hundred mil- _ still too soon to tell when non-hormonal contracept lion sperm per day. might be developed for the market. Male contraceptives have been developed over the In the meantime, the researchers at Oxford will years, but many have never made it past the trial stage tinue to study the long-term effects of NB-DNJ on because they could not be guaranteed effective and had A study on how the drug affects fertility in men is potentially serious side effects. planned. iA \ Douglas College omeris. Invites you to attend two Cc Single Parent Forums ch or lead one or more of the following activities: gymnastics, tennis, swim, sail, canoe, water ski, arts {including stained glass, sewing, jewelry, wood, photo}, dance, music, theatre, archery, wilderness trips, field sports, equestrian. Service Workers: including openings for kitchen, laundry, housekeeping, secretaries, maintenance & grounds, and kitchen supervisor. Non-smokers. June 18 to August 23. Attractive salary (US) plus travel allowance. To Apply: Applications and photo gallery are available on our website: www.kippewa.com Caro! Howorth, instructor from Douglas College, will share valuable information focusing on wellness and being a single parent. This will be a fun, informative and practical look at For Women and Men Kippewa, Box 340, Westwood, Massachusetts, 02090-0340, U.S.A. tel: 781-762-8291 | fax: 781-255-7167 www.dougilias b a Where: Douglas College, Room 4810 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster When: Sam-4pm, March 15 & March 29 n > ae aL me : y Childminding: Provided if pre-registered. Space is 5 . 6 D D limited, so register early. Lunch will Registration Form = —, ne tie two snacks ta ke O n e for your child(ren Pk e Over 35 Classes Weekl (604) 521 TRIM (8746) ss e Special Beginner's Classes Located in Columbia Square < e Reebok Step Saturday, March 15, 2003 . y " Pr tnagactines #105-1015 Columbia St., FGM. Low Impact 9-9:30am Coffee and muffins = New Westminster [4 i 9:45am-12:30pm (10 muy break at 11:30am) homers www.bby-pages-biz.com/ladydynafit eS : Certified Toxtenctors | | a Synthia Sheridon, a New Cox Pam ° lae-Fit, Yoga sel opengl entre + Spinning LT, come up for single parents wot Wye 12:30-1Ipm Lunch ~ REGISTRATIC e ‘ ‘ 1:15-4pm Debbie Smith, from the Step by Step Date(s) attending: (circle one or both) i Stair Climbers Child Development Society,will share March 15 March 29 (eo) a © Treadmills the step program in a condensed ae er ee ase ¢ Stationary Bikes JOIN NOW FOR version. The program will provide Aectress: =) ad . ONE LOW PRICE valuable information on parenting ee ee = ‘2 e Cardio Theatre OF $20.03 & RECEIVE children with challenging behaviors. = sy e Cross Trainers A PERSONALIZED Saturday, March 29, 2003 Se e Elliptical Cross Trainers FITNESS PROGRAM Chitdminding required? Yes No 9-9:30am Coffee and muffins s a * 9:45am-12:30pm (10 min break at 11:30am) ee nn we cerns sot se) 7 ete Self-Coaching FREE e Circuit [raining ‘ Not valid with any other offers e Free Weight Area Expires Feb.28/03 e Personalized Programs New members only e Personal Training Certified Call for appointment STRENGTH TRAINING Organized by the Douglas College Women's Cente Sponsored by the Ministry of Women's fquality wellness as part of everyday life. Cai Tike Re 3 7 - 12:30-1pm Lunch LL kan ae ° B. Kin or BCRPA | m K 1:15-4pm A family maintenance enforcement 604. 527.5095 of matting to; g a wy ery professional will discuss how to Dougiss College Women's Contre, Room 4810, & 4 . PEE UAW eh access the program and how it works Se : 4° For All Ages, Days and Evenings #105-1015 Columbia Stree thx answer Questor rel hOncSENS $ = Ball Pit and Sega Genesis Room i single parents often face. & Zz New Westminster, B.C. 3 o e 1000 sq. ft. Childrens Area (604) 521-TRIM (8746) @ © page 4