News Parking lot concerns How safe is your vehicle? Annette Martin Do you line up along Victoria or Lorne Streets in New Westminster waiting for one of the coveted underground parking spots to become available? Well those conven- ient parking spaces might not be so prized after all. A Douglas College employee, who prefers to remain anonymous, has had her car broken into three times since last September. The latest incident occurred two weeks ago. Each time, the thief has gained access to the vehicle by popping a window on the employee's 1995 Chevrolet during the busiest hours of 8 am and 4 pm. The first time it hap- pened, CDs were stolen from the car while it was parked on the third level of the parking lot, close to the doors. The next two break-ins occurred while the car was - CINDY POULIN, CGA PACIFIC RIM COMMUNICATIONS virtual consultant ground in e-commerce, the nation ope PM ie hole saain ont CGA The Certified General Accountants Association of British Columbia parked in different areas of the underground lot. The thief has gone away empty-handed the last two times as the employee no longer keeps anything of value in her car, but she says, “It's annoying to have to keep replacing the window.” She reported the second incident to the New Westmin- ster Police, who showed no surprise, and following the latest break-in she has learned how to replace the car window herself. Pat Thomasson of Facilities says that she has heard rumours of break-ins but, “if it is happening, it’s not being reported to us. The only incident we know about involves this employee.” She added that since these break- ins, random, extra security patrols of the parking lot have been initiated. Armando Fernandez, Security Supervisor for the New Westminster Campus, is also unaware of any other break-ins or vandalism to vehicles parked underground Virtual Consultant internet oh bie Wht ar the new economy, and accounting. s definitely the at the college or at the Carnarvon Street parking lot. He related a recent incident of a student's car being stolen while parked at a meter on 8" Street outside Subway. “Apparently, the student inadvertently left or dropped the keys nearby” he said. “But no other thefts or vandalism have been reported to Security.” “T really feel that Security is approachable” he continued, “And if anything happens to a vehicle, or if a student or employee feels unsafe on campus, please let us know. That’s what we're here for, and we can't help if we don't know about a problem.” Getting into a parking lot can be a bigger problem than security. Security isn't the only problem faced by student eA Once eda RAGS breaking My CGA See One of the new Douglas College babysitters parkers. Those lineups along Victoria and Lorne Streets may soon be a thing of the past as New Westminster Police have given notice that they intend to step up enforcement of the ‘No stopping’ regulations. Will this result in a posse of moving, circling vehicles, waiting vulture-like to pounce every time a car leaves the lot? Or will the college make additional parking arrangements? All passes for the Carnarvon Street lot were sold out at the beginning of the semester which leaves few choices for those who missed out on the passes, or who couldn't afford the $80 per semester fee. As college enrolment continues to soar, and public transit remains inadequate in out-lying areas, many stu- dents are forced to drive to class and must either line up for an underground spot, or take a chance on being able to plug a street meter. Meanwhile, many spaces on the third level of the underground lot, generally reserved for pass holders, are often unused. Perhaps an overhaul of the Douglas College parking arrangements is in order? 48-6th Street, New Westminster JTULN Tel/Fax: (604) 521-6077 Attn: !! STUDENTS Special offer! © Copies—Self-service 06 cents © Colour Laser Copies 50% off! e Colour Laser Transparencies 40% off! © Cerlox Binding For Presentations 50% off! Typesetting, Resumes/Letters, Fax, Address Labels, Business Cards, Rubber Stamps, Laminating FALL 1999 UCC’S BACHELOR of JOURNALISM DEGREE PRINT BASED Early admission R begins Feb. 15 Apply by May 14, 1999 ADMISSION OPTIONS: ¢ Regular admission with 2 years’ approved Liberal or Associate of Arts * Quick-completion options for degree- holders, experienced journalists, or diploma holders ¢ Part-time study available ay es) Visit our Digital Newspaper at: ¢) http:/ —= offers unparalleled career opportunities in financial management. COMBINE YOUR DIPLOMA WITH THE POWER OF A CGA DESIGNATION. Call 1-800-565-1211 or (604) 732-1211 or visit: Information sessions are held every Tuesday 1:30 - 2:30 pm at CGA-BC’s head office, 1555 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver. (250) 828-5093 or ies ; THE wy Visit the Journalism UNIVERSITY Program webpage: COLLEGE : ‘ OF THE http:/ CARIBOO /ae/BJOUR/BJOURPRG.HTM = KAMLOOPS, BC FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL AJR 74: Sy