Wal Pi a al ahs Co-op Education Update 1?d6 was the inaugural year of the DPougias CcGilege Co-op Program. Thanks to the enthusiastic response from community employers anc the contribution made by faculty, we're of? tao a great start! A total of 25 placements were made in the Business Management =reas of: Accounting, Computer Information Systeqs, and Marketing. fur Co-op employers have ranged from smali, family-owned businesses to large corporations, government agencies, non-orafit orgenizations, and public accounting firms. The following employers supported Gur program during its first year: - B.C. LIQUOR DISTRIBUTION BRANCH, Vancouver -~ §.C. MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION & HIGHWAYS, Yew Westminster —- CANADIAN PACIFIC AIRLINES, Vancouver International Airport ~ COMARE SERVICES (Asher /Boctlecqger Stores), Vancouver - DATRYLAND FOODS, Burnaby DOFFLER COMPUTER SUPPLIES &® ACCESSORES, Vancouver - DOUGLAS CENTRE FOR ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT, New Westminster DOUGLAS COLLEGE, New Westminster - EVANCIC, PYPER, FPERRAULT, BARCLAY, & DILLON °C.G.Aa. fism’, Port Coquitiam CTRBEPLEX Me&NUPACTURING LID... Langley NIKE CANADS, Cequitiam PORE PLUS PIANAGEMENT LTL. (restaurant mgmt. ca.)., Vancouver PRIDE COMPUTER DISTRIBUTION LTC., Richmond SELECT MICRO WORLD INEC., Burnaby YANCOUVER-FICHMOND @ASSCCTATION FOR MENTALLY HANDICGPPED PEOPLE, Vancouver WESTMINGTER FELEVISION, New Westminster Wo would Jibe to thank the faculty eno acted as advisors to oir fiscst three semecters of Co-op students: John Blackwell. Roa Comrie, Loenm Lesyvens, and Walter FPickecing. & very. special thark you to Jonn Biackwell, who has been the program’s most ardent sup v2orter Since its inception.