MAD HATTER PAGE 4 M.R. CENTRE REGISTRATION STATISTICS FULL-TIME STUDENTS - MAPLE RIDGE CENTRE A. University Transfer Program: 11 students are taking 5 courses _13 students are taking 4 courses 2% full-time students In addition, there are 204 part-time registrations (51 FTEs). The number of full-time students (those taking 4 courses or more) has doubled in the fall of 1983. B. Adult Basic Education: 32 full-time students 13 full-time equivalent students The number of full-time students has increased from 14 in the fall of 1982 to 32 this fall, as a result of an additional section being offered. STRESS/TIME MANAGEMENT WORKSHOPS Are you stressed out and having trouble juggling your time? Come to the Stress and Time Management Workshops on January 19 and 26, and February 2 from 1000 to 1200 hours. Enrollment is limited to 18. Admission is free. Please contact Wendy or Connie in Counselling, 520-5486. NOTE: It is necessary to attend all three sessions. INTRAMURALS AND ATHLETICS Faculty or staff who are interested in or- | ganizing a women's soccer team to play in | a winter league, please phone Ron Wolfson at 524-4578 (hm.) or 432-3630 (wk.). Thanks and congratulations to Chris Bowcott for his excellent coaching of our Douglas College soccer team. Two members, Don Lobo and Paul Dickie, made the Totem Conference | All-Star team. Malaspina eventually won the Nationals. A Douglas College ALL-TEAM name is still being sought. Suggestions have been many, but deciding on a suitable name nas proven to be difficult. Examples of names which are being considered are: Royals Dorians Sappers Royal Engineers | Pioneers Aristrocrats I would appreciate your comments or further suggestions. Contact me by inter-campus mail or by phone, local 5338. Betty Lou Hayes HEART SAVER COURSE ATTENTION ALL COLLEGE PERSONNEL The College would like to determine if there is any interest in offering a Heart Saver course to its employees. The course would be broken into two sec- tions. The lecture or general information section would be available on February 7,8, 9 and 10. The second section on skill development would be held on Saturday, Feb- ' ruary 11. Both sections must be completed | to qualify for the Emergency Health Service | Certificate, which is valid for one year. The course would be on the employees own time, with the College paying for the basic | program. Pi