WHO WE ARE e The Other Press has been Douglas College’s student registration, and from local and national advertising L tt th E d t ° newspaper since 1976. Since 1978 we have been an revenue. The Other Press is a member of the Canadian e e TY TOM e 1 OT: autonomous publication, independent of the student University Press (CUP), a syndicate of student union. We are a registered society under the Society newspapers that includes papers from all across Act of British Columbia, governed by an eight-person Canada. board of directors appointed by and from our staff. The Other Press reserves the right to choose Our head office is located in the New Westminster what we will publish, and we will not publish al rm Uj campus. material that is hateful, obscene, or condones or The Other Press is published weekly during promotes illegal activities. Submissions may be the fall and winter semesters, and monthly during edited for clarity and brevity if necessary. All images the summer. We receive our funding from a student used are copyright to their respective owners. Can you smell it in the air? Finally—hope of a brighter levy collected through tutition fees every semester at future has returned. Literally. O The P rE ararekedi ee As of March 20, winter is officially over and spring is here. er ress ame Te eked Spring is by far my favourite season of the year because it’s e the most confident. Sure, summer’s hot, but the pressure for summer lovin’ gives me humid, sweaty anxiety. Room 1020 - 700 Royal Ave. TELEPHONE: 604.525.3542 . d . : Douglas College WEBSITE: www.theotherpress.ca Autumn is pretty and full of pumpkin spice—but it also New Westminster, BC V3L 5B2 EMAIL: editor@theotherpress.ca abruptly forces you back to school and back to the grind. Winter’s full of sparkly holidays; but the festive season also EDITOR IN CHIEF ASSISTANT EDITOR BUSINESS MANAGER means wet feet, cold hands, and gift-buying-induced credit = card debt. Spring is different. It’s your first chance to bust out dresses without boots and tights, to expose some skin, and get free vitamin D. Even if you’re stuck in an end-of-semester slump, now you can go outside and see those first flowers starting to bloom—a new beginning is budding. Sharon Miki Jacey Gibb Angela Ho editor@theotherpress.ca assistant@theotherpress.ca accounting@theotherpress.ca SOCIAL MEDIA COORDINATOR DISTRIBUTION MANAGER NEWS EDITOR THE OTHER PRESS IS HIRING: Jonathan Roy Chris Paik Dylan Hackett socialmedia distribution news@theotherpress.ca @theotherpress.ca @theotherpress.ca ARTS EDITOR LIFE & STYLE EDITOR OPINIONS EDITOR Angela Espinoza Sophie Isbister Natalie Serafini arts@theotherpress.ca lifeandstyle@theotherpress.ca opinions@theotherpress.ca SPORTS EDITOR HUMOUR EDITOR STAFF WRITER oe \ 3 Josh Martin Livia Turnbull Eric Wilkins sports@theotherpress.ca humour@theotherpress.ca S TA [F F W R | TE Rp STAFF WRITER STAFF WRITER LAYOUT MANAGER Responsibilities: « Produce at least two articles (min. 400 words) each week (articles must be in different sections) Keating Smith Elliot Chan Cody Klyne . . . ; , . layout @theotherpress.ca ¢Work with other writers, our six section editors, RAPHI ILLUSTRATOR and our editor in chief to create print-worth S cs Us 9 CONTRIBUTORS “oa : pr y content within strict weekly deadlines. Steven Cayer Savis lrandoost Pay: 5200 per month Ken Bablitz 59 ; Aidan Mouellic Apply by March , by rane sue, cover letter, . and writing samples to editor theotherpress.ca Joel McCarth Ed Appleb Sonia Panesar & Sam] | P y ppieby graphics@theotherpress.ca illustrator@theotherpress.ca