MAD HATTER PAGE 6 1. ‘The college encourages all members of the college community to maintain |. their professional status within their respective professional or- | ganizations. i | | 2. Where membership in a professional | . ganization is required by the | college, the college will pay the full cost of such memberships. - 3. Where membership in a -professic onal organization provides advantages ~ and information to a number of employees of the < er then the college will support one such mem- : pogo ca ue ae of that v membership will be announced in | DOUGLAS COLLEGE 4. Where the college is expected to pay the cost of a membership, the | ARCHIVES | ™m om ership must be approved by the | | Dean of the Division concerned. Where a Dean is applying for such membership this must be approved B | by the College President. 5. Where membership in a professional i organization ee Paividual a ‘chat requ. dee ait