MAD HATTER PAGF 19 Unit and Nature of Representation All Faculty Positions: Direct suffrage, by all faculty employed + time or more, by Department or Division. j.e., representatives on a Divisional Committee would be elected by all half-time or more faculty members, as Departmental representatives. Representatives on a college-wide committee would be elected to represent a total Division - again by all faculty members within that Division employed half-time or more. All Staff Positions: At college-wide level, one staff member at large. Three others, elected by their group: - Clerical/Administrative - Instructional support - Technical support At Divisional and Departmental Committees, by vote of Divisional or Departmental staffs. A general principle is that as many staff and faculty members be involved as possible, and therefore people should be encouraged to focus their energies on one committee, rather than "blocking'' positions by occupying them on a number of strategic committees. Terms of Office: 2 year terms are appropriate for all committees. During the initial year of operation, 50% of representatives could be nominated for a l-year term, and 50% for a 2-year term, with annual elections - thus ensuring an appropriate kind of overlap and accumulation of knowledge.