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Ms. Editoe:

There is a petition being circulated on campus which I hope
people will read very carefully before they sign.

The last time I signed a petition was in the fall of 1953
it was being circulated by a character called Percy the Pusser Paywriter,
Percy was always advocating the overthrow of something or other, his
petition as I recall it had something to do with the quality of government
issue condoms. I mention this because only six people signed this petition
and as a result all six of us spent fourteen days pounding around the

perimeter of the parade-square pondering on our transgressions and
cursing Pusser Percy, who of course had no intention of signing his own

‘ 4

Take a close look at the five paragraph. preamble to the petition
in question, I maintain there is insufficient information available in those
paragraphs for anyone to make an informed decision. The copy I have has been

corrected indicating to me that the terms UHF and VHF are a little hazy in the
petitioner's mind. As it reads at present there is a logical inconsistency
between para 1 and 4. The emotional appeal of para 3 has no place with the
implied expertise in 1 and 3.

Let's face facts how many people really kitwo what the rationale
for current propasaks are let alone the current programming proposals?
How many (signees)? know the difference and positive and negative features
of VHF versus UHF frequencies:

As a long-time supporter of CBC Radio and TV I say find out more
information before you sign this eral ca Who mn alee Gary Bannerman's
middle name might be Percy.



Job Pca

Personnel Local 230



If anyone at the college is interested I am ordering begonia and dahlia
tubers. I have found the dahlias from Holland to be of excertional oauality
and the small begonia tubers from California are the best buy I have found.

Begonias: small unright mix, rose form, giant double ruffled, or double
vicottee are 30 cents each; small hanging are 45 cents each.

Dahlias: Giants labelled are $1.50 each; mediums lebelled are $1.25 each.

_I can order tubers for you when I order mine - but to cover the costs
* please enclose a cheque for the correct amount as I must enclose a money
order with my request. I'll wait until Feb. 3 to rlace my order, and when
I receive them I will forward them through the camnus. mail.

Begonia tubers usually arrive in late March and the dahlia tubers in
late April.

- Marjie Ross