issue 09 / volume 41 opinions // 19 Toys R Us breaks bad news to children » Why pulling meth-dealing action figures is a fruitless cause Elliot Chan 2. Opinions Editor NM opinions et n October 21, Toys R Us effectively pulled a series of Breaking Bad inspired action figures off their shelves after a petition conducted by a collective of mothers from Florida. With 9,000 signatures, the Walter White and Jess Pinkman toys were sent away for their “sabbatical,” leaving me wondering how those concerned mothers came to such a nearsighted solution. Now and then I wander into a Toys R Us retailer and feel disappointment that resembles a knee to the groin. There is no nostalgia; the florescent-lit store : could not feel more foreign to me. Still, ll explore the aisle and see the common toys: fake weapons, brawny plastic action figurines constructed to battle to the death, and sultry dolls that nurture the unobtainable expectation of beauty. As Aaron Paul tweeted: “Hmmmm... | wonder what is more damaging?” Paul continues to stand by the toys constructed from his : image. His countering petition : to return the Breaking Bad : toys to Toys R Us has already : received approximately 30,000 : supporters. And although I : haven't signed anything to : contribute, I do think the : original removal of the toys to bea ridiculous initiative. First off, if parents are : worried about their children : becoming methamphetamine : addicts or dealers, then they'll : have to doa bit more than : eliminate a few toys. Moms, : talk to your children about what : drugs even are: explain the : legalities and educate them on : the harmful effects of addiction. : : Action figures are not the gateway into a life of crime, but : poor parenting is. : : Nothing hinders the growth : : of children more than paranoid, : : overprotective parents. : We've seen many attempts : to hide drug usage and deter : temptations, but it appears that : concealing cigarettes behind : the corner store cabinets and : administrating drinking ages is : only creating another obstacle : that can easily be thwarted : should the youth dare to experiment. Secondly, mothers need : to focus on the big picture. : Drugs, violence, and sex : cannot be avoided in this : world, so prepare your kids : effectively with confidence and : intelligence. Hell, maybe even : watch Breaking Bad with them : and show them the horrible : destructive outcome of each character involved. There are a billion other : concerns out in the world that : should worry mothers. It’s funny that they chose a battle : against an inanimate object. : After all, the worst pain those action figures could cause is the crippling pain of stepping : on them barefoot. Moms of Florida, why not turn your : attention toward gun control, : drug trafficking, the broken : educational system, overzealous spending, racism, sexism, gang crimes, pollution, heart disease, cancer, homelessness, ; unemployment, and many : other dire problems in the : world? Ona chaotic planet, we should just let the children play, : imagine, and have the freedom : to explore what they are curious : about, guiding their curiosity : ina positive direction without : limiting them. No more half- ; Measures, moms. tae op ee Td 4 eT ad eT pel abe Bald a ool ia Hockey, an Americanized sport » Television broadcasting will change the landscape of Canada’s game Jerrison Oracion Senior Columnist Fa this month, the NHL returned and it was the beginning of a new era in the history of televised hockey. The TV landscape was changed when the NHL announced last year that Sportsnet will have the rights to the NHL for 12 years, including the rights to Hockey Night in Canada. This means that Sportsnet has the rights to every national game. It’s like TSN switching rights with Sportsnet. This caused a lot of people to talk, although the main discussion for four months was about the announcement that Ron Maclean will be replaced with former Much Music VJ, George Stroumboulopoulos, to host Hockey Night in Canada. Stroumboulopoulos knows a lot about hockey, but many people think that Maclean could still host the show because he connects : hockey with various other : things like poetry. Meanwhile, : : Stroumboulopoulos hosting is : : like watching his former talk : shows, resulting in criticism : from social media. On Twitter, : : a lot of people were discussing : : how the new version of Coach's : : Corner is not as great as the : older version when CBC : handled it. Although Maclean is still on Coach’s Corner, he is : also now hosting Hometown : Hockey, where Maclean talks : about a city that is related toa : hockey player or a city neara : NHL team with a game there : that night. CBC not getting the rights to the NHL is one of the : : things that is causing Canada’s : : national sport to be more like : an American sport. Sportsnet’s : : coverage of the NHL is like : watching The NHL on NBC. : : The new version is not as great : : as the old version because : the team of panellists on the : show focus on the facts of the : game, but fail to connect with : historical information. Sportsnet’s coverage of the NHL is like watching The NHL on NBC. There are various other : reasons why hockey is : Americanized. Since 1993, all : of the teams that have won : the Stanley Cup are from the : United States despite the : fact that those teams have : a lot of Canadian players in : them. In addition to this, : the headquarters of the NHL : are in New York City and the commissioner of the NHL, : Gary Bettman, is also from : New York City. Television plays a large : role in who the public receives the sport. Because Sportsnet : got the rights to the NHL, : hockey might be more like : an American sport thana : Canadian sport.