_ . i Es eS! a eee . = : 5 oe ~~ Sa rr > manuscript, write or call to identify potential authors who might be persuaded: to share their successful innovations, and/or submit a manuscript that you would wish to have considered for publication as an Immeration | _ Abstracts. We find that our most popular issues are prepared by practitioners for practitioners! The evidence is overwhelming, that for Iinovation bstracts to be the most useful, Hey must be methodically | distributed to all forward to your responses. eee PROVIDING THE MISSING LINK ARCHIVES — Linkages is NISOD's bimonthly newsletter for sharing member activities and « teaching excellence.’ Currently, most of our news items come from college n letters and news releases that colleges in each issue, some are mentioned more than once a year; and others are never mentioned at all. we receive from approximately 25% of our more than 450 members. While we strive to. mention different We need your help! Admittedly, this system allows us to touch only the surface of the teaching excellence q a faculty and staff on a regular weekly basis! We intend to evaluate Abstracts again this year and look - ; =o F =e a | DOUGLAS COLLEGE | and innovations on member campuses. We wish to strike a better balance in reporting and to keep Linkuges a Vital mechanism for informing and inspiring our members; therefore, we are taking this opportunity to | nistrators, and classified staff "in the | encourage our readers to submit ideas and articles. It’s the teachers, admii field" who know best how to describe a particular program or activity activity that would not likely be featured in or ‘on and identify your college’s potential contributions to Linkages. A typical Linkages issue is divided into several departments: PAGE 1. An in-depth article focusing on ways in which member colleges are responding to contemporary issues affecting their campuses. Recent issues have included such topics as student suicide, accessibility for the handicapped, rebirth of the humanities, and business/education partnerships. Potential articles might focus on meeting the needs of adult students, the international connection, assisting the ~ underemployed and unemployed, and fighting illiteracy. ARTICLE LENGTH: 750-1000 words. PAGE 2. FORUM FOR EXCELLENCE, generally an article by a "guest" columnist, highlighting an innovative admini € space permits, this page might a Iso include an inspirational brief article or quote. : PAGE 3. FIELD GEMS, concise articles that present overviews of inn ovative programs or activities, accompanied ber of a contact eae and often illustrated with black- | by the name, address, and telephone num | and-white photos that focus on ‘one-to-one interaction. ARTICI E LENGTH: 200-300 words. PAGE 4. LINKINGS are announcements of upcoming workshops, new publications, major grants awarded, and " brief overviews of activities not selected for FIELD GEMS. Photos accompanied only by a caption and GOD-related activities are also often included here. MAXIMUM LENGTH: 100 words. ae id about member activities is encouraged. When time does not permit you to write an entire article, we invite y 28 to call or send a postcard indicating your article idea. We will interview you or the person involved and prepare the copy. Gi In general, submitting any information that focuses on teaching and leadership innovation and is timely news | lor more information about submitting material to Linkages, contact Susan Burneson, Linkages editor end designer, NISOD, EDB 348, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, 512/471-7545. oi ei = -— L eas Lee 5 eis us : : —— " = ————— SS a = ' ee re Suanne D. Roueche, Editor February 7, 1986, Vol VII, No 3 INNOVATION ABSTRACTS is a publication of the National Institute for Staff and Or ganizational Development. EDB 348, The Universty of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78/12, (512) 471-7545, Subscriptions are available to nonconsortium members for $35 per Funding in part by the W. K. Kellogg Foundation and Sid W. Richardson Foundation. Issued weekly when classes are in session during fall and spring terms and monthly during the SUMIIET, © The University of Texas at Austin, W9BG , \ Further duplication ts permitted only by MEMBER institutions for their own personnel. : ISSN 0199-106 TOR on campus, especially if it is a program or “in one of the college’s news publications. Please take a minute to read response to a challenging teaching or leadership situation, ARTICLE LENGTH: 500-750 words. Page 2 might also include KUDOS, showeasing, the accomplishments of member schools’ teachers and | strators, such as involvement in a significant activity or clection to a major organization When | — -—