ss | DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES reer | ee Lada THANK YOU A very sincere thanks to those who assisted in any way with the Graduation ceremonies. The assistance and cooperation of all contributed to a very successful event. Thanks to all. Gerry Della Mattia EARLY CLOSING Student Services will be closing at 4:00 P.M. on Thursday, November 7/85. WELCOME 1 am pleased to announce the appointment of Phyllis Johnston to the new excluded confidential secretary position. She will be working for both Gordon Gilgan and Terry Clement in the Senior Administration area. She will be joining us on October 21, 1985. Phyllis' background and experience which includes working in a number of other college's throughout B.C., will be a valuable asset to Douglas College. Bob Corbett 1985/86 PROGRAM The Vancouver Historical! Society has its 1985/86 program confirmed. Each lecture starts at 8:00 P.M. in the Vancouver Museum Auditorium, 1100 Chestnut St. Visitors and new members welcome. For further information contact: Peggy Imredy at 738-0953 or Margaret Waddington at 266 4709. Note: On November 27/85, "B.C. Shipyards During World War II" - Bill White is scheduled. UPCOMING EVENTS FROM THE HUMANITIES iNSTITUTE Humanities for Engineers: Mr. John Brown (Consultant with CIDA). Thursday, October 31, 1985 1230 hours Lecture Theatre, Room 2203 Humanities Institute Film Series The Return of Martin Guerre - Director: Daniel Vigue: Colour: French, A story of importance that has fascinated historians for more than 400 years. In 1542, after 9 years of absence, a young peasant returned to his wife. Stars Gerard Depardieu. Won 3 French Academy Awards. English Subtitles. Thursday, October 31, 1985 1230 - 1400 hrs. & 2000 - 2200 hours Room 2203 NOON AT NEW WEST Joanne Opagenworth, Violin - Winner of the Eckhardt Gramatte Competition - 1985. James Parker, Piano - Winner of the Eckhardt Gramatte Competition - 1984. Both performances will be on October 31, 1985 1230 hours Performance Theatre ei ii a