MAD HATTER PAGE 10 ARCHIVES rT FACTS ABOUT LEARNING DISABILITIES 1, Most people with learning disabil- ities have normal intelligence and no visual or hearing impairment. The learning disabled suffers from a developmental condition that prevents them from learning in a normal fashion. They have trouble taking information in through the senses and bringing it accurately to the brain. The information often gets scrambled. Some of the difficulties include: a) reversing letters, words, num- bers, or the order of letters, For example, "d" and "b" is con- fused, or "dog" is deciphered as "god". It may be difficult to differeniate between "OIL" and "710" or recognize that "g" and "G" are the same letter. b) associating the sound of the letter with the written symbol. Words like "tea" and "sea" can be indistinguishable, c) remembering words and their meaning. d) confusing left and right, dir- ections, or instructions, The key to helping an individual overcome or compensate for the learning disability is to find the means by which information can be processed. In general, the student will learn better the more sense modalities used in the teaching/ learning process - visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic, Although the person may see leters reversed or transposed, she/he does not feel them that way, trt Learning Disabilities t 5. A learning disability will likely remain with the person for life. While some people will experience little difficulty after remediation, others will continue to need special assistance throughout their lives. For further information, contact Gladys Klassen at 521-4851, local 285, b= } ray) Pe a Film Preview NOTICE FROM THE A/V UNIT FILM PREVIEW - NFB NEW RELEASE The film NOT A LOVE STORY: A FILM ABOUT PORNOGRAPHY (70 minutes in length) will be available for preview Thursday, December 10th, TWO showings with discussions after each, 1:30 - 5:00 pm, in the Boardroom, McBride Site. "Not _a Love Story includes interviews with some of pornography's most out- spoken critics. Prominent American feminists Kate Millett, Robin Morgan, Kathleen Barry and Susan Griffin provide thoughtful analyses of pornography as an expression and a cause of sexual inequality as well as an arena for violence practised against women... Not_a Love Story, by the very nature of its subject, contains some sexually explicit scenes. While these may be embarrassing and, in some cases, shocking, none has been used gratuitously. No amount of verbal description could adequately recreate the impact of the images themselves. Only by seeing them can the viewer begin to fully realize the enormous impact of pornographic imagery on our society... By increasing our awareness of the harmful nature of pornography... By creating a forum for discussion it encourages us to find possibilities for positive personal action." ++eeeees-from the National Film Board review of the film.