College Faculties Federation of British Columbia DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES 19 November, 1974 TOs ALL CYF DIRECTORS FROM: HERS WARBURTCN, PRESIDEN + As you all know, I have been instructed to seek fron the Minister of Education a copy(ies) of the Report of the Task Force on Melding cf Community Cclleges and B.C. Adult Vocational Echools. Te date we have had no re- sponse to our requests. To wy considerable surprise, a copy of the report was discributed to ali Ckanagan College Council members as an Appendix to minutes of a meeting of one of the “oun- cil's Committees. At the meeting of the Council last Thursday, I asked the Chairman wher: the ccry of the report. had been ootained. The answer was that it was broucht. to the Committee by one of our vocationai in- structors (who happens, incidentally, to be the Chair- man of the Okanagan Chapter of the SVI). As the copy was not marked "Sontidentia "or in any other way to be limited in circulation they felt free to reproduce it and make the above cistribution. ‘nis being the case it seemed that we could kharcly come under criti- cism in the CfF ror providing each of vou with a cuoy. This should be considered as an item of new business on the agenda of cur meering of November 30th, 1974 in Vancouver. Your comments cn the report and any provosed furtner action by CF& will pe heipful at chat time. Se tant ¢ a cokif is we teas cle As br rd, : rp , £ ' i ibs J Leer oy Thr yt re, TE ary Aa COR = Crt & rng ots the ‘ \. ‘ ee anf et oe ee One at in \ y I. att ite Uh we Ta Fin. f 1 gy J pus wu Aes ‘ -+ Raat Atty - -s fourvods tA. hoe VS..chreal eA PAGE & fp A Cf. ee 5 “i x fu @7 & fe byl cf : « 4 c Li e ) ie Lb qrwt ars turver NAL, ae e Cal pe poss, by os ; vd ‘ Corobu V5 ~~ wae é & v€ ee pr ie % PRESIDEN | am VICE-PRESIDENT: SECRETARY: « TREASURER: herb warburton jim slater bob duplessis ross Carter Okanagan ¢ oll ‘Ke Malaspina College Okanagan College Vancouver Community College 1000 KLO. Road 375 Kennedy St. 1000 K.L.O. Road 100 West 49th. Ave Kelowna, B.C Nanaimo, B.C. Kelowna, B.C. Vancouver, B.C. VIY - 4X8 VI1Y - 4X8 V5Y-2Z26