through the years of drudgery without realizing | that the whole ridiculous thing is . avoid-.- “ able. It should be obvious to anyone with an ~ ounce of connivance in his soul that breezing through school without ever cracking a book is | © a cinch if one remembers two simple facts: (1) |. The first theme you wrote in second grade can. - : _ be rewritten to fill every assignment you'll be. RITING saddled with later on, merely by adding some ~ appropriate big words and twisting the subject “. DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY ear bee ¢ yee oes deste s ae gti . Matter around a little! And (2) teachers sel- dom read the trash tumed in by students any- _.way! All that really counts is filling lots and lots of pages with words, thus “proving” that -you’'ve emerged with a clear grasp of what- ever it is you're supposed to be grasping. MAD herewith demonstrates what an casy swindle it is to master. And once you've got it ‘., down pat, you, too, can loaf through the next fifteen crucial and formative years as you're . . . . TO A PH.D. ___ i Bill j. Eftie Rem@dal SoPhmore Engligh Mr, WAlgrebe - Peplod 7 "A TaLE OF Two cIpIEs" T founD this book to talked about in class literature even though interest of the reAder well; the first cHapter, My onl y criticiSm of the Way he never Says in the first be 527 paGes long and ag + & work oF great English most of it saems to be about PRance, It ig wel] writte™ and holds the expecialy through the althors' writing is chapter that A, ‘ INTRODUCTICH TO i% PINAL EXAMINATICN SS Role QT RR " "3 Wilfad. Clit eee a in producing neurotic adult reactauns to external stinuli. 1 Llamy case hudtoried found an optimal Aapepleintmiiiiny Mdading fordhil COM fred Ahad. hildbiood. Anaumua gercdice ‘neteotic.abubt uations ta Lewvnal. Discuss the role of chilinee. treun: volution by kilLing all the clty b c baly raiSea many pigs on their farms, I think “Hé the book swould have m8de more sense if the author had saiq this in THe s first ch - Cause pigs smeLL and have to ee ea People ) pro. ° the author wrotE about it in later the readeR #/ also woulD not learn meee have very euelti eyes and stare at ee : you stat e at then, HL atte ote the rabble blo°dthirsty ag 1 a e G0ing a loT of outside reading in "Sas a couple of years ago. But the author leaveS this importgnt fact out of Chapter aoe, IT have no other critIcia™ of this book as I foung all the redst of it to be a Work of Breat literature as we taLked about it in class, OT PE Sanne cs, ; ENG ie Soe Bi 8 see crunch a try PubMed Wise ecata Be el eae aks Adumnuli. A chide. Lacanifole.dd beat Getta Ue, eacdided ta ta oi te aot.avdihable.dit.ditie Led rates Osa dill, Bella uas alice Mold thal pigs de Coin dditale, oe ane ae we Mt waohou Mul cane . ee ca duanta, Pughtatd Nido childbead Araunia,ufuch, Some. wotstscd. uttac Mel. oid. Bl / mie abso fran dmigll hyd and, Lie ae, td ° ees ae Male bhe bile Lok. Cae ee Lhe. ; AN dhe QLdey Taal ei fat snr ar ats Va et eh oP esi. RNS 5 TTS SAE WPM Nie