LETTITOR MAILBAG As we close off this wacky semester, it's not hard to recall my favorite OP moment of the past few months. A month or so ago, the OP faithful gathered in our windowless office one Thursday-eve to Mi Al | | / discuss topic ideas for our upcoming theme issue. Many a useful idea a was presented, but the thought process soon devolved in classic Other Press style. “How about a Buy Nothing Day theme?” suggest- ed one person. This was then followed by a host of other valid sug- gestions including potential Sex, Food, Music or 80's Retro issues. Soon, the collective had advanced to their second round of ideas. Next thing I knew, themes including Doomsday, Cartoons and Robots were suggested. This was followed by combination sugges- bs ap py tions like Doomsday Robots, Retro Cartoons or really visionary con- cepts such as Retro Sex Music, etc. = re) id ay Ss From And then it came, like a drink at the end of a long wander through the desert: “How about uh...a Salute to uh... Animals!” 4 M itten S offered up A&E Editor Kevin Lalonde as he finished his thought out loud. Suddenly the collective leapt to life with laughs and potential story ideas. So long story short, several weeks later here we are with a truly original concept. This week we salute all things non-human. So get ready to have a few laughs, and as the Three Stooges once said: Stick around and learn somethin"! Trev Hargreaves Editor In Chief : The Other Press