Page 8 The Other Press November 10th to. cruising, american s By MURIEL DRAAISMA THE UBYSSEY It has been called a terrain-hugging weapon. It can flies over mountains, and through valleys, at an mor altitude of about 90 feet. It is small, about 20 feet higt long, and can be stored in a Safeway truck, a barn or offe even your own backyard. Kept on course by a It Canadian-made electronic guidance system, it has a mis: 50 per cent chance of hitting within 100 yards of its havi target. aim This deadly weapon is the cruise missile, probably unst the most accurate missile the United States has, ~ dep!) according to one peace activist. The U.S. plans to T test it in Canada sometime in the near future, and to mis: deploy it in Europe in 1984. bec: Because the cruise missile flies so close to the reas ground, radar cannot detect it. Its size enables it to sucl be hidden from view and makes surveillance by Anc orbiting satellites impossible. Scie ‘‘The cruise missile cannot be monitored by the 3 opposing side. They can’t verify it because they Rus can’t see it,’” says Dianne DeMille, End the Arms Says Race committee treasurer. ‘‘This makes arms mal: control treaties very difficult. To negotiate a treaty, U each side’s weapons must be counted up and offic categorized. You cannot do this with cruise beli missiles.”’ “Th Nuclear weapons are divided into two categories - ha strategic (long range), and tactical (medium and is short range). The latter are to be deployed in poli Europe. Judging from the outside, there is no way of g telling whether the cruise missile is long, short or Can medium range, DeMille says. at th If the Americans deploy cruise missiles, the in | Soviets will tollow suit, she says, adding that once testi both superpowers have this lethal weapon, agree- the ment on verification and arms control treaties will be MXN. Can almost impossible. “The cruise missile is built to fight a nuclear war. The world is inamore dangerous situation nowthan it terra Its undetectability once launched and its accuracy : : com| makes nuclear war much more probable.” has ever been. Unless we get busy, the world is going TI Peter Prongos, Canadians Against the Cruise u" wou spokesperson, agrees the cruise missile is a to be destroyed ; ; wea first-strike weapon. He cites its explosive power (it : Linus Pauling air -\enretetesesinninniiseeinistatieciatainialabliieenisieenietanmenmel | Si RW - DISARM