———____. eee DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES Mad Hatter Page 5 on as soon as possible. Although the air conditioning system has no specific humidifi- cation or dehumidification controls, the air processing system achieves a resultant humi- dity within the building year around in the area of 45-50% relative humidity. of relative humidity. This range is a generally accepted comfort rane | Chorus & Choral Society | Concerts iThe tickets for the December 8 and 9 leoncert of Bach's Motet, "Jesu, meine iFreude" and Saint-Saens' "Christmas 'Oratorio" by Douglas College Chorus jand Choral Society are on sale. Please order the tickets from Barb Sehkon of the Performing Arts office ‘(local 3200) or T. Hoshina (local . ; ipa: i. 4. As a side issue we ask that when a! classroom is vacated, that the doors be closed and the lights | turned off. This is an energy conservation request intended to | reduce the College's hydro ex- pense which is in the order of $23,000.00 per month. Noon at New West Tony Rekert, Poetry Readings. from his published "Poems in M.H. Morfey Four Voices" and other works | November 15, 1984 1310 - 1350 -hours Following Mae Burrow's resignation as faculty member at large on the Educational Policy and Planning Committee, a vacancy now exists which) Ineeds to be filled. Inter-Office Envelopes There is a shortage of intercampus Nominations for a replacement to com-@envelopes. Please clear out your plete Mae's term of office (to April b 30, 1985) are to be sent to me by jNovember 16. Elections will be conducted the following week by mail regular basis. ballot. The successful candidate will! be announced in the Mad Hatter. the Mail Room. It would be much | jJim Doerr | ' ' ffices and forward the envelopes to appreciated if you would do this ona pen eer ene