Mad Hatter Page 4 for corresponding help externally. Between April 2 and 16, I was ona study leave at the University of British Columbia - basically apent reviewing current research in the area of paid educational leave for adults and for adult workers. E. INTERNAL MATTERS - On March 30, EMPLOYEES I held a pe ee of all excluded personnel in order to dis- cuss their current working condi- tions at the College. I will be making a number of recommendations to the College Board in this connec- tion next month. A third stage grievance is still under discussion with the Douglas/ Kwantlen Faculty Association over the matter of the November 11 stat- utory holiday, stemming from last Fall*s work stoppages. Textbook Order Forms Textbook order forms for the Fall '84 semester have been provided to Deans, Directors and Facul y Chairpersons for distribution. The latest return 7254 to the bookstore will be June l, Please note: 1. A typewritten form for each dif- ferent course is requried. 2. Indication of correct course num- ber and section number is essen- tial in preparation of accurate students' book lists. 3. Please also stipulate courses where no text is used. 4. Complete titles, and specific edi- tions are a must! (indlude titles of printed manuals, etc.). 5. Recommended/Reference Only titles should be clearly indicated. 6. No forms other than these will be accepted. Book orders that are not paces ly filled out will be returned, resulting in unnecessary delays in processing orders. Your attention to the above will be greatly appreciated. a ee = = 7} | I-CARE WORKSHOPS INDIVIDUAL COMMUNITY ADULT READING | EDUCATION (I-CARE) TUTORIONG THE DISABLED LEARNER WORKSHOP SCHEDULE is oe 16 1300 co 9:30) pum INTRODUCTION TO THE WORKSHOP SERIES “ Gladys Loewen, Douglas College Adult Special Education Co-ord- inator - "Voices Seldom Heard", video produced by Frontier College THE MENTALLY HANDICAPPED LEARNER - Jean Campbell, Douglas College Instructor, Human Service Worker ~ Mental Retardation Program - Linda Spencer, Douglas College Instructor, Functional Literacy for Adults with Special Needs Dia ay 23 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. THE HEARING IMPAIRED - Alice Neilson, Vancouver _Commun- ity College Instructor, Adult Basic Education for the Hearing Impaired HEAD INJURY AND STROKE VICTIMS - Mike Bartlett, Teacher at the G.F. Strong Rehabilitation Centre a oy 30 1200 to 9:30 p.m. LEARNERS WITH EPILEPSY - Julie Zarudzka, Vancouver Neuro- logical Foundation THE VISUALLY IMPAIRED - Joyce Lydiard, Vancovuer Commun- ity College Instructor, Adult Basic Education for the Visually Impaired 4. June 7 1200 to 9230. poms | SUMMARY - ISSUES AND CONCERNS The above workshops are being of- ! fered for Independent one e Adult Reading Education (I-CARE) tutors. Interested faculty are welcome to attend. | If you plan to attend any or all of |