Mad Hatter Page 4 attempt to locate it should be undertaken. After a reasonable attempt has proven unsuc- cessful, the disappearance of equipment should be reported to the Manager Security and Building Services. This is important, as any prolonged delay reduces any chance of recovery. Reports of loss must be made by the Manager ~ Security to local police authorities be- fore the Purchasing Department can file any insurance claim. Please file a Theft Report providing as full a description as possible of the lost material including any serial number, Douglas College decal number and re- placement cost. When equipment reported as lost is recovered it is important to notify the Manager Secur- ity to effect cancellation of investigative procedures both internally and externally by police. Ken McCoy School Commission Announced /\ two-man commission to examince school dis- trict operations, including administration costs, has been announced by Education Min- ister William Vander Zalm. Appointed to the short-term commission are Mark Sager, 25, a West Vancouver businessman, who will chair the studies, and Al Stables, 58, former superintendent of schools for the Greater Victoria school district. "It is my very strong feeling that the focus for resources should be in the classroom," said the Education Minister. "There is no question that there is fat in the system... the classroom teacher and the public at large know it...and I want it identified so that the delivery of programs to the children is the priority." The Minister said pay levels are being ad- dressed by the Compensation Stabilization Program, "however, the number of adminis- trators and types of administration struc- tures are not being addressed and that is the role of this commission." Specifically, the Sager Commission of School District Administrative Cost will: 1. Determine the functions of school dis- trict administrators. 2. Determine the appropriate percentage of the total operating costs in areas con- sidered to be high. 3. Examine the variance in the percentage from district to district. 4. Examine possible recommendation to re- duce costs in areas considered to be high. The review will also include studies of: a) The number of administrators and the administrative structures at the dis- trict level; b) The optimal geographic arrangements for school districts. c) Grouping of school districts for busi- ness and maintenance purposes while re- maining independent on educational is- sues. "This will be a very thorough examiniation of some critical issues in the school sys- tem throughout B.C.," said Mr. Vander Zalm. "The commission is to act quickly through the holding oj regional public meetings and personal examiniation of the issue, and re- port back to me by September 1," The report will be used as a basis for fut- ure planning by both the Province and the local school districts. Mr. Sager is the owner of a branch of a family furniture store and has served on more than 20 boards within the municipality of West Vancouver. He attended the Univer- sity of British Columbian and the Univer- sity of Hawaii and then entered the family business. ee ee