opportunity to deal with time conflicts and have the schedule changed. Holding final examinations in the weeks prio: to the final exam week is detrimental to the students because it creates conflicts prior to exam week and students miss other classes in order to study for or take the "final exam". FIFTEEN WEEK SEMESTER The semester is fifteen weeks long, at the end of which there is a final examination. No instructor has the right to shorten the period of instruction by giving the last week off to study for other final examinations or for any other purpose. The work should be planned from the first day in the full knowledge of which days are holidays and the day that the semester ends. MID-TERM ASSESSMENT Each student has the right to demand from an instructor an assess-— ment at mid-term. The purpose of this assessment is to give the student a rational basis on which to determine whether or not he or she should with- draw from the course, redouhle his or her efforts or carry on as usual. In order to give a mid-term assessment, the instructor must provide some basis for the assessment other than a subjective analysis of the student's ability. That is, at least two assign- ments or tests should be given and graded prior to the day the mid- term assessment is due.