Brother Down As a brief aside, and feel free to harass J.J. McCullough for more info on it, I’m tired of Canada’s“weak attempts to bolster our armed forces with token purchases after years of delay. We're nearly 12 years deep in the plight of the SeaKing—with no new helicopters to show for it. We're a decade past due on our duty to supply ground forces with properly armoured trucks and jeeps—current vehicles can barely withstand a flat tire. And to prop up our now shameful navy (we have the world’s longest coastline, you know), we purchased four decrepit submarines from the Royal British Navy. One of the rust-buckets, the HMCS Chicoutimi, caught fire about 200 kilo- metres off the shores of Ireland last week, leaving the sub stranded on the surface in high seas without power. The fire, which occurred in an electri- cal panel, ended in tragedy as Lt. Chris Saunders of Halifax succumbed to smoke inhalation last Wednesday, en route to an Irish hospital. Although the death came as a sur- prise—nine sailors were treated for smoke inhalation, but only Saunders and two others were airlifted out of the stricken sub—the four Victoria-class submarines have been mired by problems. One of the subs has a rusted hull while another spent months in dry-dock await- ing repair on a large dent in the body. Crews have worked feverishly to make the subs seaworthy and validate the $750 mil- lion investment, even “vulturing” parts from one sub to fix another. The Brits originally offered the subs to the Chretien government in the mid-’90s. So, naturally, we sat down and thought about it—for a half-dozen years. During that time of deep Oeuober § 13/2000 Reese eee eee eee nee eee ne News Wears Short Shorts Brandon Ferguson, News Editor thought, the subs sat and waited, allowing corrosion to party on. Now, it’s hard to make light of a situa- tion where a Canadian sailor made the ultimate sacrifice, but that ultimate sacri- fice wouldnt have been necessary had a politician or two had the guts to make a move without worrying about sacrificing their most treasured possession—their career. Cheney Caught Math-Debating In last Tuesday’s Vice Presidential debate, Dick Cheney offered an olive branch to the Kerry-Edwards camp by completely goofing on his attacks and fudging the facts. American casualties and expenditures for the war in Iraq, the not-so-sparkly deal- ings and partnerships between Halliburton and Iran and Libya, and the voting record of John Kerry in the Senate. One of the more touching moments came when Senator Edwards commended Vice President Cheney for his courage to have a gay daughter. Oh, the sacrifice. Cheney used his 30-second rebuttal to simply thank Edwards. Then they kissed. Although John Edwards fared much better in the debate, he was still flawed. In claiming that the administration lobbied Congress to cut the pay of troops while they were on the ground in Iraq, Edwards erred in that the lobbying never happened, according to Speaking of, Cheney gave billionaire philanthropist George Soros a much needed endorsement when he instructed his minions of debate watchers to verify his statements at, an empty URL that Although Edwards came out of the debate looking like an adolescent about to have sex for the first time—shaky, awk- ward, easily distracted, and wearing the biggest shit-eating grin ever worn—it was Cheney who misfired early and often, leaving the Bush-Cheney campaign feel- ing a little soft. In the heaviest hit yet landed in any of the debates, Cheney scored big by attack- ing Edwards’ attendance record in the Senate. Over the past year, Edwards has missed 33 of 36 Senate hearings. As the Senate leader—one of the roles the Vice President plays—Cheney claimed that Edwards was so absent that “the first time [he] ever met [Edwards] was when [he] walked on stage” at the debate. Sadly, that’s not so. A video from a Senate prayer breakfast in 2001 shows Cheney sitting next to Edwards, shortly before he thanks Edwards for attending. Nice one, Dick. Cheney also fudged the numbers on transfers to instead—a site that leads with the head- line “Why We Must Not Re-elect George Bush.” The whole debate was a rehashing of campaign slogans and fuzzy math, and isn't it super embarrassing when someone catches you massaging the numbers while math-debating? It’s a Jail Thing Convicted domestic diva Martha Stewart checked in to her low-security digs early Friday morning, arriving eight hours before her scheduled entry in order to avoid a media circus. Martha will be wearing a low-thread- count cotton weave complemented by thin pinstripes to elongate her legs, a quaint number bar bearing 55170-054, and matching accessories consisting of a matte steel mug, stubby pencils (that can double as delightful hair pins or makeshift shivs), and her very own seatless porcelain crapper. Upon her 6:15am entrance to the prison, known affectionately as “Camp Cupcake” in Alderson, West Virginia, Martha was subjected to a routine strip search, complete with a “squat and cough” to look for contraband—like cookies, cardigans, and directions for the perfect summer mint julep. Martha is in Camp Cupcake to serve a five-month sentence for lying about her shady stock-market dealings. Ironically, had Martha admitted culpability when originally charged, she would have only faced a light fine. What a badass—totally cutthroat and she makes a mean batch of muffins. It reminds me of a certain Other Press editor. Camp Cupcake, whose nickname has been around since before the Martha era, is home to 1,055 female inmates convict- ed of non-violent federal crimes ranging from dealing crack to concealing firearms. Inside, there is a group of troublemakers known as the “DCs” who are undoubted- ly chomping at the bit to get their hands on the media mogul. Most of the inmates hale from the Washington, DC, area, a region that my 6'3", 235lb, scared white- boy friend who lives there won't even fuck with. Good luck, Martha. And whatever you do, don’t drop the soap—I don’t care what kind of special chamomile tealeaf herbal aloe blend it is, just let it go. DUnEPPPeSs | 7