apan. “KS: Yeah, coffee, €, but you. Khows layed go for the restaurants. You can get.coffee in. : fthe restaurants. Even McD@ jald’s has Meratte and nae so every restaurant has : : The Pasias: were: in een At a.coffee shop in Gastown I had a to > talk to Ken Sringteliaw, Zuitari KS: Yes. That’s on there. imace)-we chugged bunch of corn ear- liquor, we barfed. make out the word ase. at at home? eryone whose con- eat meat, go ahead. @ vegan, are you? ‘mber, again in i look at me and - - é in brackets ‘nods, hanging out dur-_ , on Friday nights “OP: That struck me as différent from = your-previoiis stuff. Where did that come rtant for me, og us to... if we-have. ..s some sort of ‘impulse that goes in-an unusual *” ction, or r in any: direction that seems = ‘Tet’s pick out t 8 things, getting as. many different kinds of - things out as possible. HSS QP: So, there was no | KS: No, notreally. = F OP: It’s ‘not really focused in any one direction like J e, or Dear 23?