PAGE 10 THE OTHER PRESS OCTOBER 19TH 1983 OTHER-ENTERTAINMENT John Glenn Launches Takeoff With The Right Stuff a lie’’ with anecdotes of his tions of the fatal and near test flights including Chuck Most people probably won’t read Tom Wolfe’s four year old story of the astronauts. The Right Stuff, no matter how many great reviews it gets. by Dan Hilborn Instead they'll probably find themselves queuing up in some theatre line-up to see what will likely be the newest hit movie of the year. Imagine yourself as a test pilot flying experimental rock- et powered airplanes for the US in 1957. The Soviet Union has just successfully launched Sputnik 1, the first man-made object to the earth and the Americans biggest claim _ to fame in space is their fatality rate. - The astronauts consider themselves the epitome of the old test pilots with their righteous most sought after stuff. These first seven space gliders have never been left behing at anything, and now they are the single combat warriors on the newest fron- tier. Wolfe manages to describe the terror and sorrow of those involved in the NASA program with amazing realism but what he misses on is the disappoint- ment of those who fail to make the grade, or, in other words, don’t hang onto the. stuff. Wolfe spends too much time admonishing John Glenn, “the only space _ traveller whose apple-pie image wasn’t Jack D: 'y. Named a National Historic Place by the United States Government AT THE JACK DANIEL DISTILLERY, you can taste for yourself why our whiskey is so uncommonly smooth. As soon as you sip the water we use, you can tell it’s something special. 3 That’s because it flows, es and iron-free, | rom a limestone spring located deep : under the ground. saheen wor anumegereterar LXE Jack Daniel Distillery, we've used this iron-free water since our founder settled here in 1866. Once you try our whiskey, we believe, you'll know why we always will. xt i St. Louis Star of Excellence London — World's Fair Amsterdam Ghent 1914 1 1904 198] 1913 1954 Hf you'd lhe a booklet about Jack Daniel’s Whiskey, write us a letter here in Lynchburg, Tennessee 37352. U.S.A altel | WHISKEY preaching to the other Mer- catastrophic disasters that Yeagers 1963 attempt to set a cury test subjects. He is the plagued many of the earliest ae Sead record in the ; -104. straight guy among the astros, lecturing to the others on the evils of tarnishing NASA’s reputation by their Flying & Drinking and Drinking & Driving and Driving & Ball- ing. The fact that Glenn is port- rayed as the perfect Presb- yterian preaching pilot is no small oversight when you realize he is one of the Democratic Party’s president- ial candidates for the next election. The other astronauts even suspect his _ political ambitions as early as 1963, when his flight, the third of the space program receives the biggest hurrah. Glenn becomes America’s favourite son, and Wolfe does a damnably admirable job of trying to recreate the euphoria in the book. Wolfe’s pseudo-gonzo style writing about the essence of the right stuff includes some of the most graphic descrip- NEVER SAY sep PIV POO SNe UAL ea Rat as ray Pa Th Matai ait iN SS a fasts! “N Me OTN Subject to classification. Ta a VARNER BROS © NOW PLAYING AT A THEATRE NEAR YOU. CHECK YOUR LOCAL LISTINGS FOR DETAILS.