- September 1, 1991 ACT FOR DISARMAMENT is a non-partisan organization interested in seeing an end to the arms race. They work to raise public awareness about peace issues through direct, non-violent action. 15 West 40th Ave. 737-8730 ACT UP (AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power) is an activist organization “united inanger” to end the A.LD.S. crisis. ACT UP expresses outrage at government intolerance and neglect through planned, non-violent actions. _ so 669-0121 ' ALD.S. VANCOUVER is an advoca pari ies La with Acquired ImmuneDeficiency Syn that provides outreach support services, information, and resources, not only for people with A..D.S. or H.LV., but for the community as a whole. If you have questions about ALD.S.,or about how to protect yourself and others from infection, don't hesitate to call or visit. 1272 Richards St. 687-2437 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL is a global organization that investigates and publicizes human rights violations. It also works to free political prisoners. Unfortunately, Amnesty continues to exclude certain — fromtheir efforts, including those who have tortured and imprisoned because of their sexual orientation. 105 - 1955 West 4th Ave. 734-5150 ANGLES is a monthly newspaper for lesbians, gay men and bisexuals. It providesa calendar of community events and discusses issues facing fags ‘n’ dykes in 20th/21st Century British Columbia. Angles is available free at a better, more progressive bookstore near you. : 4-1170 Bute 688-0265 , ANTI-APARTHEID NETWORK is a coalition of anti- apartheid support groups, including women’s , community, labour, church, and non-governmental Roe! Be hes ek ee OR Ss 266-6830 or 737-0041 ANOREXIA NERVOSA: AND ASSOCIATED DISORDERS providesinformationon Anorexia, Bulimia, and other eating disorders. 875-9690 ARIEL BOOKS is a bookstore for women. It carries a fairly large selection of psychology /self-help material as mat literature. Isalit hard finding your way around, since there doesn’t seem to be any section markers or an alphabetical filing system, but if you like to combine fa ea with your browsing you'll like Ariel. 1988 West 4th 733-3511 BATTERED WOMEN’S SUPPORT SERVICES provides support groups and counseling for battered women, and workshops that address violence against women. 734-1574 i B.C, COALITION FOR THE DISABLED works to increase public awareness of disability issues andto break | down attitudinal barriers that continue to impede real access for people with disabilities. 211 - 456 West Broadway 875-0188 ; B.C. EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DISABLED STUDENTS (BCEADS) is particularly concerned about the issues facing disabled students enrolled in post- secondary education programs. BCEADS recently completed a physical accessibility report of all colleges and universities (including Douglas) in British Columbia. 12666 72nd St. 599-1483 B.C. FEDERATION OF LABOUR membersinclude most ' trade unions in the province. The federation seeks to ensure fair wages safe job conditions for workers. 3110 Boundary Rd., Burnaby 430-1421 B.C. HUMAN RIGHTS COALITION fights discrimination and provides information, resources and counseling on human rights issues and complaints. 107 - 96 East Broadway 872-5638 B.C. PEACE COUNCIL is a networking organization within the peace movement that coordinates events and provides information to the public. 685-9958 B.C. PUBLIC INTEREST RESEARCH GROUP conducts action oriented research and lobbying in the community interest. TC -304 Simon Fraser University 291-4360 CANADIAN FEDERATION OF STUDENTS (CES) is a national student-operated organization founded to represent the needs and concerns of -secondary students to the government, the public and school ~ administrations. Douglas College Student Society is a member of CFS and is accountable to you. CFS - B.C: 733-1880 CFS - National: (613) 232-7394 COLLEGEINSTITUTE EDUCATOR’S ASSOCIATION OF B.C. works on behalf of faculty to promote quality instruction and accessible post-secondary education. 302 - 1401 West 8th Ave. 736-0311 _ the Other Press COMMITTEE FOR RACIAL JUSTICE is an umbrella organization that includes community, labour, religious and service groups working against racism. 1414 West 12th Ave. 738-7711 CO-OPERATIVE HOUSING FEDERATION provides advocacy and information services for member co-ops. It also provides a waiting list for affordable housing for interested members of the public. 879-5111 Public Information Line 879-5112 CO-OP RADIO 102.7 FM is the only volunteer run, listener supported, community radio station outside of Quebec. It even has a show for lesbians! Call for a run- down of their programming. 684-8494 CRISIS INTERVENTION & SUICIDE PREVENTION CENTRE 733-1171 24-hour Distress Line 733-4111 DIAL-A-LAW operatesa library oftapesto giving general information over the phone. The — are prepared by lawyers involved in civil rights, family, and criminal law. 687-4680 DIVERSITY - THE LESBIAN RAG is a monthly community Te especially for ... yes! Lesbians. Diversity isavailableat abetter, moreprogressive bookstore near you (right beside Angles). ; DOWNTOWN EASTSIDE RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION (DERA) isanadvocacy group fortenants in the downtown eastside area, working to protect the rights of tenants. ; 682-0931 DOWNTOWN EASTSIDE WOMEN’S CENTRE operates ona drop-in basisand providescrisis counseling, English as a Second Language classes, and assertiveness training. 44 East Cordova 681-8480 EL SALVADOR INFORMATION OFFICE maintains a resource centre and library to provide information on current situations in El Salvador. The centre works in support of the Farbundo Marti National Liberation Front aod the Democratic Revolution Front. 684-7342 —— SKILLS wie apie offers a twelve week yyment course for women re-entering the ae Participants are paid an hourly wage. 1652 West 8th Ave. 736-7775 END THE ARMS RACE is a massive coalition of 250 peace and disarmament groups from the lower mainland. The coalition is instrumental in organizing Vancouver's annual Walk for Peace as well as the Canadian Peace Pledge Campaign and the Nuclear Weapons Free Zone 1708 West 16th Ave. t 736-2366 SAFER offers counseling and support to persons who have attempted or contemplated suicide, or have had someone close to them die of a suicide. 300 - 2425 Quebec St. 879-9251 ° SAVE OUR SEAS isa collective of individuals dedicated HAVE A FAMILY. «Officer Gichalths, | > Get a Mini Van. FUN SEX 1S WRONG. Student’s Directory A Handy Guide to Other Places... to making Vancouver harbour free of nuclear-armed warships through non-violent protest. 3350 West 8th Ave. + 731-1266 SEA SHEPHERD CONSERVATION SOCIETY is working to preserve wildlife and advocates animal rights through direct, non-violent action. P.O. Box 48466 Vancouver 688-7325 SOCIAL PLANNING & RESEARCH COUNCIL OF B.C. researches housing, poverty and social programs, and maintains a resource library which is open to the public. It also issues parking placards for people with disabilities. 106 - 2182 West 12th Ave. 736-8118 SOCIETY PROMOTING ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION promotes alternative energy and advocates the conservation of resources. 106 - 2182 West 12th Ave. 736-7732 SPARTACUS BOOKS carries an impressive array of socialist, left leaning literature on a wide variety of topics. 311 West Hastings 668-6138 TENANTS RIGHTS ACTION CENTRE is a resource centre providing information and assistance in the formation of tenant's committees within building or neighbourhoods. Workshops, training seminars and advocate services are also available. 255-3099 THE WOMEN’S BOOKSTOREsells new and used books by and for women. It has a selection of feminist theory and criticism. If a book you’re looking for is not in stock, they'll order it in for you. Located right near Gastown. 315 Cambie 684-0523 TOOLS FOR PEACE works with unions and the community toraisefundstosend suppliesand equipment for the people of war-torn Nicaragua. East 10th Ave. 879-7216 URBAN IMAGES FOR NATIVE WOMEN is a pre- employment training and support program for native women that provides ing and skills development. 1-245 East Broadway 875-9211 VANCOUVER INCEST & SEXUAL ABUSE CENTRE provides individual counseling for adults who were sexually abused as children. It also offers support groups and legal assistance for victims of sexual abuse. 103 - 4338 Main St. 738-3512 "VANCOUVER INDIAN CENTRE (THE FRIENDSHIP CENTRE) provides programs for all ages, including a ily drop-in, and recreational activities. ; 1607 Hastings St. 251-4844 VANCOUVER LESBIAN CONNECTION (VLC) is a drop-in centre for lesbians. It offers resources on social, political and cultural events in a safe environment. The 19. VLC organizes coffee houses and support groups. 876 Commercial Dr. 254-8458 VANCOUVER RAPE RELIEF & WOMEN’S SHELTER offers confidential service for women who have been raped or battered, providing emotional support, legal and medical advocacy, group and/or individual counseling © and emergency shelter. A public education program and publications on violenceagainst womenarealsoavailable. VRR is autonomously funded and run. 24-hour Emergency Line 872-8212 VANCOUVER SOCIETY ON IMMIGRANT WOMEN is working forimmigrant womeninB.C. Itofferslanguage training, child care and social services. , 2524 Cypress St. 731-9108 VANCOUVERSTATUS OF WOMEN workstoimprove the status of women in society through a variety of activities, including advocating for positive change in legislation. 301-1720 VANCOUVER WOMEN’S HEALTH COLLECTIVE offers self-help groups, a public health series, and birth control, pregnancy and abortion counseling. Health professionals areavailableto help you with your needs. A medical resource library is also available. 302 - 1720 *Grant St. 255-8285 VENEREAL DISEASE INFORMATION LINE offers a taped message which provides information on sexually transmitted diseases. 872-1238 VICTIMS LINEisa ce-wideservice which provides information and referrals for victims of crime. 1-800-VICTIMS WESTERN CANADIAN FEMINIST COUNSELING ASSOCIATION makes referrals for those interested in feminist counseling. 732-8013 WOMEN AGAINST VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN (WAVAW) is a confidential service offering legal and medical support and counseling for victims of sexual violence. Office 875-1328 24-hour Crisis Line 875-6011 WOMEN EDUCATED IN SELF-DEFENSE TRAINING isa volunteer organization teaching self-defensetechniques to women and children. 876-6390 WOMEN’S RESEARCH CENTRE does research for women’s groups and provides consultations and workshopsonevaluation,research methods, organizational development and women’s issues. 101 - 2245 West Broadway 734-0485 WOMEN’S RESOURCES CENTRE is a free drop-in centre with alife-planning service for women. Workshops include job hunting and managing depression. 1144 Robson St. 685-3934