CANADIAN SERVICES BUREAU PUBLICATIONS « Bibliography on women - A resource for other disciplines. Vol. v, No. 1, 1985, of the Communiqué series. Many instructors are interested in incorporating the study of women from a feminist perspective into college programs. This bibliography is designed for the busy college instructor.and the college student who are looking for current, acccessible, readable Canadian information on women. The aim of this book is to make it as easy as possible for instructor and student alike to find information about women in Canada that is applicable to their studies. Thematic periodicals, subject bibliographies and general references are cited. $10.00 (plus handling & postage) Communiqué - The Community College in a Multicultural Society. Vol. V, No. 2, 1986. A functional bibliographical resource for college administrators and educators that will promote and stimulate mainstreaming multicultural, intercultural and intracultural education within college career curriculum. A listing of human resources and resource centres that would be qualified to address specific workshops or conferences based on multi- cultural themes. $10.00 (plus handling & postage). Canadian Management: Research Notes. By John Redston of Red River Community College, Manitoba, 1983. This book is a file of; resources for teachers. Lt: contains pertinent, difficult to locate source material ... commentaries ... reviews critiques ... class-ready notes on some significant Canadian contributions to management theory. $6.00 (plus handling & postage). Canadian Business Ideology. By Professor Robert Sexty, Memorial University, 1986. This paper was specially commissioned for the "Canadian Management: research notes" series of learning materials. Canadian Business Ideology is an important topic to include in your business teaching because it is seldom covered in our texts and yet it is a topic with many unique Canadian approaches. The beliefs, values and attitudes associated with business comprise an ideology, but this ideology is difficult to identify and define. Professor Sexty has done a first-class job in capturing the main concepts and in presenting them in a clear, organized and interesting manner.