AV(AVAK "epthap ne EL Et a + antl ete vet e” Laem 12 0 Pe a Ow, Ik VN AZIM ZINA Z a op art ap eee te (604) 520-5400 Mailing Address: P.0. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 ote om _—_—_—— --(8F 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, B.C. Opera theme at this year’s Chorfest mateur altos, tenors and sopranos throughout the province will have an ‘operatunity’ to sing with the pros this weekend at Douglas College. Chorfest ‘90 is a weekend fes- tival that will bring together adult and children singers with a profes- sional orchestra and conductors. “Operatunity is our catch phrase because typically, amateur singers don’t get a chance to sing opera choruses with a professional orchestra,” says Cindy Donatelli, Co-ordinator of the Chorfest ‘90 Committee. Donatelli is also Vice President of the Amabilis Singers, one of the choirs hosting Chorfest ’90. The sive INSIDE MAY 22, 1990 ‘YEARS OF MAKING & DAFFERENCE 1970-1990, Insider Schedule I-CARE Means | Can Sports and Athletics Did You Know 2 2 3 Irving House Welcomes You_5 6 6 Co-op Ed. Conference others are the Douglas College Choral Society and the Douglas College Youth Choir. The festival will be held in conjunction with the B.C. Choral Federation. Shell Canada is the official sponsor. This year’s Chorfest, with it’s operatic theme, is widely an- ticipated by amateur singers in B.C., says Donatelli. “It’s the big event for amateur singers to par- ticipate in because it’s opera and it’s not something that they can do often.” It’s also a great opportunity for the general public to hear choruses from the most popular opera works. “We're doing things that the average person would recognize. It’s almost like the Top 40 of opera,” she says. Chorfest 90 will begin on Friday, May 25, when about 350 children and 300 adults will gather at Douglas College for registration and the first rehearsal. More re- hearsals are planned for the Satur- day, and there will be a dress rehearsal on Sunday morning. The full public performances will take place Sunday afternoon, May 27. The adult conference will be conducted be French Tickner, who is conductor and stage director for the UBC Opera Theatre. Bruce Pul- lan, who is Music Director of the Vancouver Bach Children’s Chorus and Chairman of the Music Department at Western Washington University, will con- duct the children’s conference. Donatelli notes there will be a wide selection of choruses per- formed from such well-known works as Carmen and Otello. “There will be six opera cour- ses On six operas,” she says. “For anyone who has ever wanted to sing opera but never had a chance, this is it. It’s a grass-roots ap- proach to opera. We are going to do the popular pieces, the ones that are easily recognizable, so for the audience it will be very enjoy- able.” Individuals may register to participate in Chorfest ’90 by con- tacting Gill Bartholomew at 270- 1961. Ticket information is also available at that number. @ INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE will be published every second week through the summer months. See page 2 for a schedule of publication dates and deadlines.