i |- aS welding. | | DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES _—$——_____} Mad Hatter Page 5 i Academics as a Vocation — It seems to me that training equips. peo- ple with skills in writing sonnets as well Whether or not they have val- ue in the job market, skills can be taught and learned and measured. Education, by contrast, equips people with an understanding of how and why thoses skills should be responsibly em- ployed. An educated person, by defini- tion, must have both skills and under- standing. But I suspect that education is more often imparted by personal exam- ple than by lessons, and it is virtually impossible to measure. We've heard a lot about the coming era when we will all have to go back to school periodically to retrain for new careers as our old ones become obsolete. We should remember to save some classroom space for the new philistines, who are obsolete already. If they can just de- velop some skill as painters or singers or dancers, they'll always have something to fall back on. Housekeeping and Safety in the Classroom No food or drink should be taken ete the classrooms. Restricted Building Service Worker Staff cannot keep up classroom — cleanliness if coffee spills, food and ‘garbage are left in classrooms. Classrooms are non-smoking areas. Please use the hallway waste receptacles for paper waste only and ash trays only for extinguishing your cigarettes. Recently two incidents of fire in waste recept- acles have occured. ~Your cooperation in maintaining our new building as safe and clean as possible is requested and necessary. Thanks. Ken McCoy _ES.L. Student Places Still Available The E.S.L. Department faculty would like all. instructors to be aware that several English as a Second Language sections still have a few openings. Should vou have ESL students you feel could benefit from Developmental Education Programming, please refer them to the Developmental Education Curriculum Base - 4200, These sections have openings: ESL 138 Listening and Pronunciation Problems — N1IO 1200 - 1400 M.W. ESL 139 Discussion Skills for Smal] Groups, Seminars and Meetings N10 1100 - 1200. M.W. N11 1600 - 1800 T.Th. ESL 141 Writing Skills N50 | 1900 - 2100 M.W. ESL 142 Reading Improvment N10 1000 - 1200 T.Th. ESL 143. Preparation for Testing N50 1900 - 2100 T.Th. Use of Staff Lounges...The Purpose Some difficulty is being experienced in the use of staff lounges in VESREGt to intended purpose. Firstly: staff lounges are intenaedes sole- ly for that purpose and are not to be used as meeting rooms, student interviews or other’ non-recreational purposes. Secondly: lounges reqoraed below are des- ignated Smoking or Non-Smoking as follows: 2nd floor south 3rd floor north 4th floor south Board Rm Lounge Library Lounge Non-Smoking Non-Smoking Smoking permitted Smoking permitted Smoking permitted Please respect these designated areas aS, to their oneaea use.