A A GS ICO TELIA A St tS a a ee THE TRILLIUM ARE BLOOMING in Green Timbers forest which is a short walk from Surrey Campus. The entrance is behind Simon Cunningham School. The forest is always lovely at this time of year, as you will discover if you take the time to explore its ‘trails. Phone the Institute of Environmental Studies, Coquitlam Campus ~- 521-1911, local 690, for a map and guide to Green Timbers Nature Trails. Notice Board TO RENT For l yr. 1700 sq. ft., frnshd. , 2 bdrm. apt. 845 McBride Blvd., N.W., rent to be discussed. Call Mrs. Armstrong, 524-3777 or 524-3135. WANTED: Small, lightweight Tent Trailer. Diane-Surrey campus local 251 FROm: Derek Francis, Convenor , Libraries Division ~ RE LIBRARY HOURS The College Libraries will resume Summer hours immediately following the last day of examination week, May 5. Summer hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 - 4:30. Special late openings to serve Summer students will be announced when plans for the Summer term are finalized. The Libraries will all be closed for the Division's professional development period, Monday and Tuesday, May 16 and rs Please contact me if it is essential that you use the Libraries on these dates. Avail. anytime. § DENTAL ASSISTING PROGRAM ¢ Coquitlam Campus It is a pleasure to offer "PREVENTIVE DENTAL HEALTH CAREY to children and adults, and to give members of Douglas College campuses and the local community the opport- unity to participate in the Dental Program. The following services will be offered: A. Preventive Dental Health Care for Adults * Home Care Instruction (Brushing & Flossing) * X-Rays, Cleaning, and Fluoride Treatment - performed by Student Dental Assistants, Supervised by Dentist * Examination - By Supervising Dentist DATES : May 9 - July 27 Sept. 5 - Oct. 26 Monday and Wednesday Only TIMES: 4:00 - 7:00 By Appointment Only COST: $2.00 per person APPOINTMENTS: Booked by Calling 521-1911 - local 570 - 10 - 4 local 530 - 4- 6 On the outside... Watercolor artist Leighton Davis and pictoral photographer John Van- derpant are two artists whose work will be on display at the Burnaby Art Gallery from April 20 to May 29. Both exhibitions are sponsored by the Canada Council. EAS