P ~ YOU CAN HELP TO FIGHT BREAST CANCER Will You Do It? 2; X e Breast cancer is ‘ne number one killer of women, yet its cause is as unknown today as it was 100 years . ago. in North America, the ris’ of developing breast cancer has been estimated at 1 in 7. Many studies have been done «.1. women wi) are victims of breast cancer b::t these stuc:es deal with the effects of breast cancer, na the cause. \ ey deal with the results of breas! cancer, not ‘ts prevention. How is This Prog gramme Different? “KEEP WOMEN ALIVE” is a programme designed to gather data on women, heathy and otherwise. “KEEP WOMEN ALIVE” is designed to find causal factors of breast cancer. It is designed for finding facts only. It is designed for the PREVENTION of breast cancer. Women Throughout Canada Can Help — Help Themselves How? By registering with a central agency and supplying simple health information. Your participation - will be simpler than your regular check-up visit to a doctor. There will be no special experiments, no special procedyres (unless you wish them), no ‘do this” and ‘don’t do that’. You will be encouraged to continue leading your normal life. You will have complete control over your participation. You will answer a few questions, you will give an extra sample of blood and urine when you would normally give them anyhow (for example, during pregnancy and:-at your yearly checkup). The information gathered will be fed into a computer and further ‘checks will be made from time to time over a period of several years. Keep Women Alive You have the power to do something to stop the frightening spread of breast cancer. KEEP WOMEN ALIVE is a ray of hope in the gloom and doom of breast cancer. Fill in the coupon below. Be one woman in seven who prevented breast cancer, instead of being one in seven who may be killed by it i Clip'this coupon and mail to: 4 a KEEP WOMEN ALIVE . 6 ’ NATIONAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN OF CANADA ' P.O. BOX 20,000 ; ! OTTAWA KIN 9B6 . 4 F a Ce sr eR ies OR BS. eas Gs es bing SO we Duy cba bs Age. ‘ . MONE ete aa a aia ee, 1 Re fates Pea, Cae Bh Beales cto Se Gel cha as Sew . a a 1 Tees 2 ee © BOO eee) Se 8 bo mie 6 © 6 Fm cam Mle es Se go kh be.0: 6 web 6 0.6 « oe OA se Ge os ea 8 ee 6 a Breast Cancer starts early. Even at eighteen you are »o longer immune. . t - - an = - na os me 2 » Printed as a Public Service by Canada fatewoy :