Secrecy ‘of Ballot *Ombudsman Replacement 4.9 4.10 4,11 4.12 4.12.1 4.12.2 4.12.3 4.12.4 4.12.5 4.12.6 Page 5 BBN Election shall be by secret ballot. The voting members shall, by Department, elect Departmental Representatives within one week of the election of 4.7. The retiring Executive Conmittes shall elect the Director Emeritus from its members within one week of the election of section 4.7. An Ombudsman shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting at which time the Secretary and Treasurer are elected. He/she shall be elected from the Fuil Membership. In addition to the duties prescribed elsewhere in the By-laws he/she will: investigate complaints concerning the action of any committee of the Association, except the Executive Committee, made to hin/her by a Full Member of the Association, and, should he/she be unable to satisfy the complainant, report his/her recommendation thereon to the Executive Committee; investigate complaints. concerning the action of the Executive Committea mace fe him/her by a Full Member of the Association, and. should he/she be unable to satisfy the complainant, report his/her recommendations thereon to a duly called meeting of the Association; investigate complaints concerning the action of the College Administration rade to him/ber by a Full Member cf the ciation, and, should he/she be unable to satasty the complainant, report his/her recommendations thereon to che Executive Committee; ensure that meetings of tne Association and of its committees are duly calied and constituted. The Ombudsman may observe the meetings of the Executive Committee. Reports and recommendations of the Ombudsman shall be open to the Full Memhers at the request, or with the consent of, the complainant. Ti at anv time, the offices of the President and Vice- President become vacant ainultanecusly, the remaining, members of the Executive ¢ mittee shall choose two Full Members of the Association to replace them until the next regular meeting. . 0,