1. What program are you in Expected grad date? mony 2 Are you ina: (] 2 year program [[] 4 year program DLE Breckfast Do you expectto finish your program in this time frame? oO Ves e| no loro, why not (mark afl that-apoly) C] I'm not taking a full coarse load every semester ] The ctasses | need are not available L] | don'thave enough money te take a full course load CL] t have a job, 3. Have you ever been on a wart lst for the fall 2073 or winter 2014: semesters? C) yes C) no lf yes, how many classes ware you wait listed for Fall 2013 how many ded you end up getting inte? Cy . 14 1 " : ¥ Write your name & Winter 40 how many did you end up getting into pee aire eae eee ne win a $100 Visa cara. 4. Do you have student loans? [7] yes [] no if yes |have you taken unecessary classes inorder to maintain your student loan because you could not get into a-class- you needed for your program’? Return completed a yes Oo ho PRE ioe if yes", how many? 5. Ifyou have student loans, how much do you currently owe §. Ta dary el pceede entbien ford prebetatest lo the Denagad Codiges Board Students are encoumge to attend ihe Cotejes buoget consulliten nesmorm “vour iformation vail reman conbdental gerd wl only be-uped tor the pone draw. Dra date Feb. 28, 2074 és ] gece DUCE, JEMAp Al a Wan Wa | ) yeh) Obey a LT Las 18 EN) AQP |(6 for“ we yy elle 6\// ‘Ts SUPE wy Li . 09 ke ID r. uired lan a safe: ride — yo2 P . ‘ ie DSU Annual General Meeting « i 2 DSU Lounge Ni, www.dsu18.ca Gi Douglas Students Union SleJedsuts a