The Other Press ELECTIONS: by Chris Page You may be surprised to hear that there is actually a contested election. at Douglas College this year: ‘Jack Crich and Tim Shein are running for the position’ of Dowglas College Student Society President. The duties include: 1. He shall chair Student advisory member of all- committees created by the Student Council. This exciting election for President will be held on March 22 and 23 - Monday and Tuesday next week. All current students are eligible to vote and votes may be cast at all campuses in the student lounges or acclamation. The new Vice- dacy for Ombudsperson. Photo by situations. At this point | think it is important to state that this office is totally separate from the Student Council, and the administration; also all records would be confiden- tial and destroyed after a case has been closed. Further your rights will be it. Feel free to drop off suggestions, criticisms, or letters of comments to the office no matter where the Ombudsman is. With out ‘‘your’’ input and support this office can not accom- plish its purpose. Watch, listen, beware, but most importantly stand up for your rights! Hi! my name is Jack Crich and /’m_ running for President of the D.C.S.S. fe: Maple Ridge Ignored? by Ian Hunter Much needed funds for the Maple Ridge campus were approved at the March 3rd Multi Campus Council Meeting. Accord- ing to Maple Ridge Chair- person, Linda __ Davies (and presidential candidate “"we’ve been given up to $2,500. for things that are and D.C.S.S. President Kevin Hallgate) went out shopping Monday and spent about $1,800. They bought a micro-wave, a fridge, carpet, some furni- ture and some games.’’ Davis says that the Maple Ridge Centre has previously been neglected and that the Council meetings, and shall defended in council to the | really needed at our Cam- campus is getting more ed travel and conference represent the Student best of my ability. — pus we had no food popular and should be fees are rumored to be ‘Society on formal occai- « Lastly, the office of | dispensers, no fridge, no getting more attention.’’ around $1,800. Those who sions. Ombudsman serves the| stove, no carpets and a “We really appreciate attended the conference are 2. He shall be a signing people of Douglas and its | lack of furniture.”” this,’ concluded Davis also rumored to have had a officer of the Student community. If a problem is According to thanking Hallgate and the very good time. Society. brought forth, its the duty | Student Society Treasurer Student Society. 3. The President shall be an — of the Ombudsman to solve | Tim Shein “they (Davis Also. at the meeting wy Council agreed to pay half of the conference and travel fees of the Douglas College Creative Writing Club. Nine members of the newly formed club attended the Creative Writers confer- ence at East Kootenay Community College _ this past weekend. The combin- tionships, which are already quite good, will be main- tained or improved. Also, the fight against cutbacks will continue, with more next year, vote for me for Xe : | ad MOREELECTIONSMOREELECTIONS the spring of 1983. With my experience, | can do a good job for the advancement of both the . students and the Student cafeterias. consideration paid to stu- Society. Presently | am the Chair- | Predictably, the other po- dents suggestions. Thank-you, person at the Winslow sitions have been filled by For fair representation T.). Shein Campus. | will represent Photo by Mike Knowles President will be Lenka & President. the best of my _ ability Russ, and the~ new 2 Jack Crich as your new Vice-President. Treasurer will be Rudy & With the support of stu- van Berkel. There will * dents | am sure that next also be a _ yes/no vote & year will be a success on Steven Blecic’s candi- = for all. Mike Knowles tions person off-campus. The Vice-President shall have a vote at meetings of the Student Multi- Campus Council. Douglas College Students to by LENKA RUSS -_ VICE- PRESIDENT ACCLAMAG $ I’ve been a student repre- sentative for the past year Fellow students and faculty, my name is Steven Blecic and on Monday, March 22nd, | will be running for the position of Ombudsman. What is an Ombudsman? An Ombudsman is a person who tries to deal with problems, legal, personal, or otherwise which are pre- sented to him or her by people like yourselves. My office would be open almost veryday with special pro- visions made for emergency and | have enjoyed repre- - senting Douglas College students. In the fall, we will be attending our new campus downtown and the Stu- dent Society will need lots of student input to make it a campus we can be proud of; a place we can enjoy attending each day. My major concern next year will be to improve the relationship between students and the Student Society, encouraging more input from students. Re- members, we need your ideas to make student life more tolerable and _inter- esting. The student/faculty student/administration rela- Hi there, my name _is Tim Shein and | am run- ning for the position of Douglas College Student Society President. | feel that | can do a good job and. would like to be given the opportunity to try. My. experience in the Stu- dent Society is extensive: | have been a Coquitlam representative, a Coquitlam chairperson and _ Student Society Treasurer. Being familiar with the Student Society | think | will be a good President. Currently | am in the Marketing & Personnel Management Programs and will finish the programs in TION Hi, my name Russ. | am your new Vice- President of D.C.S.S._ As Vice President my duties include’ representing the President upon his request, taking the president’s place if he is away, being a liaison with the paid staff members of the “Society, and being a signing mem- ber of the Society. I will also be preparing min- utes of Student Multi- Campus Council meetings. | will make sure agendas are prepared and posted. The Vice President is responsible for ensuring the maintenance of committees and acting as a public rela- Phot is Lenka " I’m Rudy van Berkel. | was elected’ into’ the treasurer’s position by acclamation.. | have had some experience with the Student Society as | am. now a student representa- tive. | have also had experience handling money. Next year we will be starting the fall in the new campus, and many new items will be needed, but+ nothing will be purchased that is not justifiable. Rudy van Berkel March 16, 1982 | of