The Other Press November 12 Madeline Kierans You may have heard of the New Play Centre. Betty Lambert’s exciting play Jennie’s Story at the Waterfront Theatre on Granville Island isa New Play Centre production. But do you know why Ma- clean’s has called it “not simply the only game in town for new playwrights, but ope of the major games in the country”? t why the Globe and Mail has called it an “incubator for the new Canadian Drama”? What does the Canada Council who funds most of the New Play Centre’s activities, mean by “...the Process actually works”? Process with a capital P. The New Play Centre produces only four full-scale Equity productionsa year. These plays are only the final step in a series of programs which develop not only plays, but individual writing talent at every level. Since 1970, when the New Play Céntre was founded, well over 2000 plays have been evaluated by professionals with an “eye for live theatre, not academic niceties. Any writer. known or unknown, can submit a script and receive (fora nominal fee of ten dollars) a written critique by Anounce theatre professionals offering construc- tive suggestions tora rewrite. Should the author choose to continue working on her/his play, there begins a progres sive, long-term process from personal in- terviews and criticism, public readings and workshops to studio productions us- ing audience evaluations. Since the cost of an Equity production is as much as $35,000, not all plays can be produced. But they all benefit from the nurturing changes effected by the staff, actors and audiences at the New Play Centre. : The philosophy behind this process is that an excellent play is the result of special writing skill and knowledge of play production. By taking the author through production, up toand sometimes through a public performance, s/he can experience the transition between script and stage. The investment of time and money is therefore in the writer. The committment to an individual talent can extend over three years. The New Play Centre has also saved many plays. Throughout their program the work is treated as delicate and alive. A new play is easy to kill because often even the authar cannot see what is taking Jennie’s Story; good. = shape. It is an ideal situation for the premiere production, allowing the play to develop without freezing prematurely in the box office climate or “balanced” seasons for regular subscribers. The Centre also provides a distribution service-for new plays, sending scripts all over North America. They try to match various types of work with suitable thea- tres. As a result, many plays have gone on to further productions in both rau: and television and with major companies all over North America. The uniqueness of the New Play Centre is not immediately obvious to an au- dience, as the plays and the authors are usually unknown. Although the plays are considered work-in-progress, their pro- duction is professional, the acting and directing excellent. In addition, there isa sense of sharing in the creation of a cul- tural context. During this current run of Jennie’s Story, Tuesday is “Meet the Ar- tist Night” and Wednesday is “Audience Feedback Night”. The actors may ask the audience for specific reactions; the Artistic Director may explain some of the changes that have been made; or the the author may comment on some of her decisions. The atmosphere is relaxed and all comments are accepted, even wel- comed. In fact, the most perceptive comment will receive a dinner date with the cast member of their choice! This unique theatre has managed to combine the vitality of new theatre with the seriousness and high standards of established theatre. NOW YOU'RE 19. NOW YOU HAVE A CHOICE IN TOMORROW prevention. Help prevent an unwanted pregnancy. Help prevent the transmission of venereal disease. Help prevent side effects associated with other forms of birth control. Use electronically tested condoms made by Julius Schmid. Because prevention only takes a little precaution. He Julius Schmid. Products you can depend on, products for people who really care. ... you're on the Provincial Voter's List. To have the right to choose, you have to register to vote. It's easy. Just contact your nearest Registrar of Voters or Government Agent. But don't put it off. Do it today. And have a choice in tomorrow. Province of Chief Electoral British Columbia Office If Vee JULIUS SCHMID OF CANADA LTD., 34 METROPOLITAN ROAD, TORONTO, ONTARIO. MIR 278." MANUFACTURERS OF RAMSES, SHEIK. NuFORM. EXCITA, FETHERLITE. FIESTA AND FOUREX BRAND CONDOMS. et J