THE COUNCIL page 2 SIZE AND COMPOSITION The Council will be composed of: faculty representatives of departments; student representatives selected by the student body; representatives of the Support Staff selected by their peers; ex- officio (non voting) representatives of the College administration. The departments are those designated by the presence of a Director/Chair for that unit. The representation is as follows: A maximum of: 2 Faculty from each department unit 2 Support Staff Representatives 2 Student Representatives 5 Ex-Officio Administrative Representatives (President & 4 Instructional Division Deans) (Approximate Total = 29: 24 voting 5 ex officio COUNCIL OPERATIONS Election of representatives for voting membership on the Council will be determined within each constituency. The term of office for voting members is two years, with the option for a second term. In the first election after the implementation of this Governance System, one-half of the representatives from each constituency will serve a three-year term to ensure a staggered change in membership over time. An orientation to the role of a member of the Council will be provided for each new member. The President and Deans will act as staff resources to the Council on request. ACCESS Access to the Council will be normally through the Department Committees and the Management Committee. Any member of the College community may address issues to the Council through the Chair of the Council. The agenda of the Council meetings will be determined by the Chair, in consultation with the Council. The Council will establish its own meeting schedule, but should meet a minimum of eight time per year.