| | ‘Currently Editorial Columnist to the Finan- cial Post and President and Chief Executive | Officer of the Council for Business and Arts in Canada, Arnold Edinborough is a former President and Editor of Saturday Night, and Professor at Queens University. Live. | Anyone from Douglas College interested in hearing Mr. Edinborough, please secure a )guest pass from Gena Ballantyne, local 4910. | To obtain an application for membership to the Canadian Coalition Against Media Pornography, please contact Marian Exmann in the Women's Centre. Other Open House Activities Music 1. MINI-CONCERTS - every half hour outside the music office (3200). These will be Phe Canadian Coalition | Against Pornography | | The Canadian Coalition Against Media Porn- ography is composed of concerned individuals who recognize that pornography and sex-role stereotyping violate the dignity and right to self-determination of women. We define 'pronography as verbal or pictorial material | representing sexual behavior that is degrad- ing or abusive to one or more of the partici pants in such a way as to endorse the degr ation, and believe it to be substantial ly different from erotica, which we consider to be mutually pleasurable sexual expression between people who enough power to be there by positive choice. We are not for the re- pression of sexuality but rather are seeking |a new portrayal of mutality and respect in ' the representation of sexuality. |The Canadian Coalition Against Media Porn- ography believes that pornography and sex- role stereotyping, a multi-billion dollar |industry in North America, promotes a cli- inate in which women's physical safety in the street and the home is jeopardized, and wo- men's right to equality in the workplace continues to be denied. We are particularly concerned with recent government and busines sponsorship of pornography on television and in the Canadian film industry and believe it to be a violation of the cultural integrity of Canadian artists and performers. Your membership and active participation wil provide the necessary clout to achieve this objective. ad- feature music students in solo and group | performance. _ OPEN REHEARSALS - throughout Friday and Saturday, College faculty will lead their! approximately 15 minutes long, and will groups in open rehearsals; College Chorus with Orchestra, College Jazz Ensemble, Douglas College Community Band, Cnoir and Stage Band will all be featured. _ LISTEN to classical music and watch : slides of art masterpieces in the "Relax- ing Room". _ CLASS PIANO DEMONSTRATIONS - Come and try the electric piano lab and get some pointers from a Douglas College in- structor. 4 | | 5. AN INFORMATION BOOTH will be set up, with brochures and program information. 6. The DOUGLAS COLLEGE JAZZ BAND will per- form for the Social, Friday 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. Theatre Come to the Cabaret...skits, sketches, SOng | and dance. In the theatre at 8:00 p.m. Sg ] | ea i aaa tia alla ls a aca a