Mad Hatter Page 19 - = / DOI IGIA o a 2 wits LAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES DAY DATE TIME EVENT ~~ —T-+EOGATION Friday 1 March 4.15-6.00 | Comparative Religion Club Room 3810 p.m. Thursday| 7 March 12.30 p.m.| Douglas College Theatre students Theatre "The Masque of Aesop" by Robertson Davies — Thursday} 7 March 12.30 p.m.| Dr. Edwin Levy, Philosopher, UBC Lecture "Ig This Stuff Dangerous?" Ethical Theatre Concerns About the Public Use of Science 2203 Tuesday | 12 March | 4.00-6.00 | "Year of Living Dangerously", Media, Lecture p.m.| Principles and Politics in the Indonesian Theatre Revolution 2201 Thursday | 14 March | 12.30 p.m.| Moments Musicaux, Rhonda Guild, flute; Theatre Charlotte Peters, harp Thursday | 14 March | 12.30-2.00] French-Canadian Folk Song - Discussion and Lecture p.m. | performance - Monique Jutras Theatre (sponsored by the Modern Languages Discipline) 2201 and Simon Fraser University) Friday 15 March | 8.00 p.m. | Philosophy Club Room 3600 Thursday | 21 March | 12.30 p.m. | Piano recital, David Warwick Theatre Thursday | 21 March | 12.00-2.00] Film: "Waiting for Godot" -Lecture p.m. | Samuel Beckett's great modern absurdist Theatre classic 2201 Thursday | 28 March | 12.30 p.m. | Student Showcase: Music Department Theatre Thursday | 28 March | 12.30-2.00| "Sartre and de Beauvoir" - p.m. | Panel discussion: Marie-Claire Chinniah, Lecture Jim Davies, Ralph Stanton Theatre (sponsored by the Library, Modern Languages 2203 and Philosophy Disciplines) Thursday | 4 April 12.30 p.m, | Douglas College Chorale: Music Department Theatre Tatsuo Hoshina, Director Thursday | 11 April | 12.30 p.m. | "Mozart and the Creative Process" - Lecture Kevin Barrington-Foote Theatre 2203