FIRST AID ATTENDANTS The College provides and maintains first aid services, equipment and supplies in accordance with W.C.B. regulations at each campus location. A First Aid Attendant is accessible to employees during normal working hours and can be reached by calling the switch- board. At McBride - Paul Taylor At Winslow - Warren Johnson The attendants are certified and quali- | fied to make the decision whether an injured worker should be transported to -a hospital or other place of medical treatment. ; ‘In cases where the injured employee re- quires transportation to a hospital or physician or qualified practitioner for initial treatment, an ambulance shall be called with the cost of transportation covered by the College. | FACULTY EXCHANGE PROGRAMS The revised edition of the Association of Canadian Community Colleges Manual on Faculty Exchange programs is avail- /able in my office. im j any faculty who are interested in ar- ranging an exchange with another college are invited to review this manual which identifies those institutions willing to participate in exchanges. Gerry DellaMattia ESL COURSE SECTIONS FALL/82 : ———— ———— A FEW WORDS FROM ESL INSTRUCTORS: We'd like to remind all teaching faculty that we are here and offering develop- |mental and remedial service courses for a ESL 140 ESL 141 ESL students in the College. If you have students in your courses who seem to be having trouble meeting your expectations, they may need developmental or remedial English help. At this point in the semester, we have places in the following courses: ESL 138 Listening and Pronunciation Problems -for ESL students having trouble following spoken English in lec- tures, seminars and discussions. Also for ESL students you have trouble understanding because of accent problems. M Th 1400-1600 College Preparation - a basic developmental course ‘for ESL students who can not ‘cope with the language demands of academic or vocational courses. — M W 0900-1100/T Th 0900-1200 Writing Skills -a special purpose course for ESL students needing basic academic/ technical writing practice. T 1400-1600/Th 1200-1400 ESL 142 Reading Skills Development -for ESL students needing to read better and faster to meet the de- mands of course work. ESL 143 Preparation for Testing -foreign skilled and technical workers such as nurses are fre- quently required to write langu- age tests such as the TOEFL before they are licensed in B.C. > This course prepares students to take these tests. M W 1900-2100 Scott Glabus, Jan Selman & Tom We are: ' Whalley (Agnes St., 524-0371) It's our job to help your ESL to be more successful in the Call us. students college.