. . THE MAD HATTER | A Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the spring and fall semesters, bi- -monthly in the summer semester Eases Douglas College Technical: and Vocational Institute P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster Ewe; Editor: Judie ‘Steeves, Surrey campus Telephone: 588 - “441k; docu 283 bo oa wt Ms. Ed' Ss notes. ee * Happy xmas, merry new year, joyous easter, and have a good valentine's day as well. the hatter is going to have a well- deserved rest for the next two weeks, lapping up the - uh - that too!! -- so next issue comes out jan. 10, 1977. deedline for copy will be ‘thursday morning (as usual), jan. 6, LOTT. watch for roadblocks. r aks beware Dru Ald. Bill Millar weld ‘Surrey drinkers . that the © aa -_ -nabbing imbibers as id left’ breathalizers lying in wait for a “ RCMP has mob: mobile units with drunks over the holiday son. The units “wilhbe out till New Year’s a he told _ council on Monday night. Millar said he went out fr ee ee ‘Friday night and he told of waiting behind the Dell Hotel ee most. pr Christmas! The Editor! f _ Your pap r has providec ultimate in, total ony. a page 24 of the Dec. 2 issue you include an atticle entitled “Women not ee BPW tthe live when women were not! ‘regard- ed as persons, the tuples being that’ the Sitisation has vastly improved. ‘T hope Miss Pew’ did wee Teceive a copy of your ‘paper, ie. ook ier 4 *" nae that the te \ Y we caught were not ' youngsters : or women, but people who Y¥ . soit hs have known Renee, poe Pa i a ety man’ Milla. in- : forms us in this account, vf his. | . patrol with the R.C.M.P.' that’ 4 hie was very surprised. to. find . that the people caught “were. hot youngsters of. women, but : " people who should have knows - HE fall a beeathglysey teit. | ‘during the holiday, season: -, | shall use- as ‘my* defence, Mr, - Millar's logic. I'am:a woman : / for, on pagt 26 of ee ~~ hn and. esis 3 do not” Koo fi Let tens: UGLAS COLLEGE LIBRAR MEMBERS LOCAL 62 ARCHIVES E£ you have any concerns or sub- missions to make re College wide staff/faculty development days please contact: Deannne Peitch Surrey Library Marjorie Coey Richmond " Remember the success or failure of these development days in terms of staff participatdon is in your hands You have a voice! Lets hear from you! ! Tom Rosamond Louis de Verheyen Aluminum Chalk Holders The three bookstores are now stocking aluminum chalk holders which are available to faculty members at a mere S322 Si Ownership of one of these devices would enable an instructor to carry chalk from class to class and thereby ensure that it is available. Some persons have allergie which make the use of chalk a real problem while others have a distaste for the dust associated with holding chalk without a holder. Quantities are limited. See your local "bookie" for your chalkholder today. TO ALL FACULTY AND STAFF The staff: of the printing deve. and copy centres would like to thank all those people who made the effort to submit their print- ing and copying requirements well in advance. This really helps us to plan our production need's and give the best’ possible service. Failing press breakdowns, and given the same considerations on your printing requirements as needed this semester I am certain the service to you will be improved in the coming semester. We would like to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year. From, | The Printing Staff