Why is it cool to be apathetic? The typical image of coolness is that of the person who doesn’t let things bother them and who doesn’t work at anything more than necessary. Recent movies such as So Fucking What epitomize this kind of thinking. The ad campaign for this movie featured statements describing situations that should raise one’s ire and counter them by saying “so fucking what?” Why get emotional about things that should disgust us? Why care about anything? Why try to change things? Why donate time to good causes? Why get involved with anything at school? Do you think I’m a nerd or something? We at the Other Press believe that it is time for people who care about things enough to try to change them to be considered cool. Those who don’t care about things can gather moss while watching television. They should rightly be exposed as losers‘instead of those who join the science club, the student society, or Amnesty International. The whole concept of self-actualization relies on the fact that people will strive to become well-rounded individuals. They should try to accomplish this by learning and doing as much as they possibly can. What better reason for living is there than the goal of becoming the most complete individual possible? Being cool and doing nothing will not make anyone a complete individual and ultimately provides no reason for continuing a sorry life. Student apathy is a major problem here at Douglas College. Too busy, lazy, or cool to be bothered, most DC students do little more than attend classes and leave. This is very frustrating to student-run organizations like the OP. We are under- staffed and overworked because very few people come here to volunteer. In this issue, we are flogging our readers with “Join the OP!” advertisements. We really do want you to join the OP. Not only do we enjoy fresh faces, we also want writers, photographers, coordinators, and all other kinds of helpers. This will help lighten our workload and put out a better quality paper. Many people complain that the Other Press isn’t as good as it could be, and they’re right. The problem with such complaints is that those who voice them don’t come down to help us put out a better product. We’re just volunteers doing the best we can with what we have. You know what ‘they’ say: if you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. Come join us! We’re in room 1020. Here’s a map... autonomous student e OP is an uncontested ove-board, completely i id scheme. The Other Press is Douglas Colle newspaper, and we’ve been here since 1976 member of Canadian University Pre legal, unprecedentedly moral, m Welcome to post-war capitalism in‘ The Other Press does not un material that promotes hatred of an we don’t edit for content in letter: publication. i eS print any le. However, attack, tricky, mad sphalt, black top, ™, e afghan whigs, beau tar, tone, mack 10, pink nice librarian that helped le, you know those people ve barker, the green minds ins, even though they aren’t that... (snap! snap!), ernest hemin from beyond, robert altman, tim &' related. en advertising and ag ether S January 10, 1996 prmore stairs Phen, Oth F Lower cag. if deli gymnasiv lst Floor —— age B-se ee rye A] Lense es 2 Eee > 6 4 8 ok agin ) Sokadoe a TVwer 5 ip throoms Zk : botneer —e-l—,< Mailroom ~—ae = N= I totally agree with Boyd who wrote to you in the second to last issue of the Other Press last semester and I do not agree with you and the Penguins responses in a subsequent issue. Your response to Boyd (Get the point, Boyd) made me laugh and also angry. You told Boyd he “got the point and missed the point”. one that’s a contradiction and two Boyd got exactly what you meant in what you wrote the problem is that it sounds like you either didn’t write what you meant or you’re just trying to dig yourself out of a hole that you dug. I agree that women should be cautious when out in the world but I don’t believe we should hate all men because of the acts of a minority of men. Also men are not the only violent gender out there women can also rape and murder just like a man and some have done just that. Taking precautions to keep yourself safe from violence be it inflicted by a man or woman is very different from hated a group of people for the acts of some. Be precautious but do not make yourself a victim being controlled by that fear and not do anything about that fear. You say that laws will not do anything to change the state of things not there. I Dear Other Press; , disagree, I believe that laws are a start in making society change for the better. You ended your letter to Boyd by writing “Don’t blame me, blame our society.” Well, girl, I blame both but unlike you I do something about it. I march for the rights of victims, I have volunteered for victims rights groups, I have signed petitions, and I back all that up by living what I say and believe in unlike you who writes crap like wanting sex for Christmas and giving some guy “some awesome head.” Jet Girl go do something more productive with your life and leave the rest of the female population of the world out of it. Print Futures student, friend of B.P. and all fellow humans (female and male) eo ets Dear “Jet Girl” Before the latest issue, I was going to write you a letter regarding yout immature, trite, stale rhetoric. However your cutesy uninformed articles have been overshadowed by your correspondence with Boyd regarding “man bashing”. As an ardent, I have to say— I do not hate men. Not all men are abusive, and they do not deserve your stereotype. You are a bigot when you generalize about an entire group. Your outlook simply perpetuates the divisions between the sexes. Women have struggled to “catch up” with men in society, and in many ways we have surpassed them. Women are able to express their emotions-and it is socially acceptable whereas men are warned since childhood that “boys don’t cry”. Jet, this is not simple issue. Not all men rape and not all women are victims. Stop generalizing and start to understand the issue from both perspectives. Stop being a victim. Get the point? PS. you are going to remain “Horny” (O.P. Dec 95) if you treat men as the enemy. I am enclosing a copy of my petition, which I mentioned in a letter to the Other Press, to replace the inferior telephone registration system with superior human beings. I am seeking support of the Student Council, the Faculty Association (I have meeting, on December the 4th, with Dr. Terry Farrel of the Political Science Department) the Administration, the Faculty and the Students because the majority of Douglas College people (that I have talked with) agree with my initiative. In other words, if the majority of Douglas College people sign my petition the registrar will have to replace the inferior telephone registration system with superior human beings; to do otherwise would bring Douglas College into disrepute, and it would no longer have the support of its own people.... In addition, can the Other Press please print a copy of my petition in its next edition (I am unable, due to the sheer volume, to print 5,000 copies of my petition) as that is the best and most efficient way of contacting the people of Douglas College. Finally, I know many Douglas College people read the Other Press; therefore, they will be able to sign my petition (if they want to); also, anyone who signs my petition can drop it off at the Student Society office; however, they should ask the receptionist to place the petition in my file. Name tS Address Sincerely Linda Meyer Phone Number